A Utah man accused of peddling silver as a COVID-19 cure led the feds on a 3-year manhunt and spamme
Source: Insider
A Utah man accused of peddling silver as a COVID-19 cure led the feds on a 3-year manhunt and spammed the court with filings full of conspiracy theories
Michelle Mark
Sun, August 20, 2023 at 1:43 PM EDT·5 min read
• Federal agents arrested a Utah man who sold silver as a COVID-19 cure after a three-year manhunt.
• Gordon Pedersen faces multiple fraud charges and is seeking to represent himself in court.
• Pedersen is now claiming to be a sovereign citizen and says the US has no jurisdiction to charge him.
After federal authorities raided Gordon Pedersen's home and got him to admit he had "exaggerated" his medical credentials to advertise a fake COVID-19 cure, a grand jury indicted him and he was ordered to appear in federal court.
Instead, Pedersen fled, sparking a three-year fugitive manhunt.
That search ended this summer after a federal agent surveilled Pedersen's last-known address and spotted a red rental car driving out of the garage. The agent followed the car to a gas station, where Pedersen exited the car, began pumping gas, and entered the store to pay cash for the gas and a drink.
Pedersen first caught the attention of federal authorities at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic — in the spring of 2020 — when he used his YouTube channel to sell a "structural alkaline silver" product he claimed "resonates, or vibrates, at a frequency that destroys the membrane of the virus, making the virus incapable of attach to any healthy cell, or to infect you in any way," court documents said.
Read more: https://news.yahoo.com/utah-man-accused-peddling-silver-174332905.html