The kind of people who support Elon Musk's Twitter-behaviour:
Will you PLEASE tell the world a/b the firmament, Antartica, & you know where I'm going w/ this. Tired of being lied to. Oh… & the free energy that exists in the aether but we are made to pay for.
The "firmament" refers to the Flat-Earth conspiracy-theory that there is physical, solid dome above our flat Earth.
"Antarctica" refers to the Flat-Earth conspiracy-theory that NASA has an army and warships and they are patrolling the 60th latitude south, forcefully preventing any attempts to get near Antarctica, so people cannot find out that it's the edge of the world.
"Free energy" refers to the conspiracy-theory that ancient civilizations were actually technologically super-advanced, scifi-style, and knew how to draw huge amounts of energy with no effort just out of the air with antenna-style structures. Except the EVIL CONSPIRACY is covering up this ancient technology in order to make us pay for energy.
This conspiracy-theory often goes hand in hand with the conspiracy-theory that the medieval kingdom of Tartaria in Central Asia (roughly stretching from the Black Sea to Kazakhstan) was such a scifi-super-civilization... simply because very little is actually known about Tartaria in terms of historical records.