Mercola and Kennedy sue Sen. Elizabeth Warren for combating their COVID misinformation
Quack tycoon Joseph Mercola and anti-vaccine crank Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., have filed a lawsuit against U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) claiming she violated their First Amendment rights when she complained that Amazon was peddling COVID misinformation, citing Mercola’s recent misinformation-filled book on COVID as an example. Anti-GMO and anti-vaccine activist Ronnie Cummins and the book’s publisher are also plaintiffs.
According to a letter sent by Sen. Warren to Amazon last September, Amazon’s search and “Best Seller” algorithms consistently returned “highly-ranked and favorably tagged books based on falsehoods about COVID-19 vaccines and cures” when her staff performed searches for terms like “COVID-19” and “vaccine”. Mercola’s windbag-titled book, The Truth About COVID: Exposing the Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal, which Cummins co-authored and for which Kennedy wrote the introduction, topped the list. Amazon had also tagged the book as a Best Seller and the #1 Best Seller in the “Political Freedom” category.
Mercola, Sen. Warren notes in her letter, has been identified as “the most influential spreader of coronavirus misinformation online” and is apparently using his book to drive sales of supplements, despite the fact the FDA warned him to stop selling these supplements “for the unapproved and unauthorized treatment of COVID-19”. She unfavorably compared Amazon’s lack of effort in combating misinformation to that of fellow internet behemoths Facebook and Twitter, who have more aggressively supervised their content.