The Most Advanced Civilization In The Universe

(65,028 posts)I don't think the coin of the realm for advanced civilizations will be energy.
(7,629 posts)Matter
The first two are just the same thing in different forms, but to affect/change/control any of the three, you need energy.
So of course the coin of the realm will be energy. What else could it possibly be?
(65,028 posts)So it is like asking a caveman his thoughts on the 21st century.
But of course, if I could manipulate time, I could go into the far future and get all the energy I wanted.
Bring it back though a worm hole or such.
I guess I am questioning whether energy supremacy would translate to empire building and using other planets like lego pieces.
But I am only from a Type Zero planet, what do I know.
(7,629 posts)Right now, our pre tier 1 selves see that primarily in things like fighting climate change, poverty, medical advances to add a year, five years, dare I say ten years to our lives.
Eventually though, the sun's gonna get big, and survival will mean being able to move from planet to planet, not to mention the stray rock that comes along every once and our hopefully tier 1.whatever selves will be able to muster the energy to do that, which means both space travel and terraforming.
Eventually though, stars are going to start going out, and those tier 2.whatever folks are going to want to be able to figure out how to reuse stars, refurbish, renew.
Over a long time, I'm going to need to figure out how to survive when all of the stars in the universe are dying out. My tier 3 or more self will have to figure out either how to reboot the universe or cross over or create a new universe.
It's always going to be about survival I think, just on longer and grander scales as we get further along, assuming we ever do.
(65,028 posts)Those who can survive will call the shots.
The wealthy of this planet are already looking to space travel and terraforming as their escape hatch for when they are done trashing Earth.
My tier three self is saying that stars are not the only source of energy, there is other stuff floating around the universe, including ideas. Even primitive man created his own energy, fire.
Where would you cross over to if you cannot reboot the universe or create a new universe?
I read someone's theory once that stated as humans evolve into an advanced state we will no longer be in human form, no longer need bodies, be an energy mass only. So maybe we won't need traditional energy sources?
Physicists have said we are a multidimensional universe. Maybe instead of time travel, tier three and higher can jump dimensions, or get energy from other dimensions. Maybe a dimension where energy is not needed.
(7,629 posts)for multiversal civilizations.
It's unclear if we can leave this universe. Or if there are multiple dimensions or universes. Or if it's possible to traverse if there are.
I don't see how any operate without energy and matter though.
(65,028 posts)Same with phones, TV, movies, etc.
Later in his life, these things happened, to his amazement.
So during his life of 90 years, transportation, travel, scientific knowledge made huge advances.
In ways he could never have conceived of as a child.
Earth, if it still exists, will reach level three status in 100,000 to a million years.
Level two in a few thousand years.
A lot can change in a million years.
We are in a sense prisoners of our time and dimension.
It is difficult to think outside the box.
I think if there are multiverses, humans will make great attempts to travel or communicate with them.
It is baked in our DNA to explore new realms.
In other dimensions will energy or time still be things of import?
Those are rules for this dimension.
In this dimension, will advanced energy sources make energy so easy to make, so widespread and readily available that it is no longer a major issue?
(7,629 posts)Energy matter and time are those things.
You can have universes without matter for example but you still have energy and time.
I don't think literally "anything" is possible.
(65,028 posts)We don't know what other dimensions would be like.
And what 1 million years of changes will bring.
We cannot even guess.
Like cavemen trying to guess what the 21st century would be like.
(7,629 posts)We actually know of a universe without mass, or at least can imagine it...our own after the heat death of the universe.
It will still have energy, and even if the energy goes away, there's still the energy embedded into the universe itself, that vacuum energy is never going away and if it's zero, you don't have a universe at all.
1 million years won't change anything.
The earliest big change would be if our universe were a false vacuum, but it would still have mass, energy and time, but the collapse would basically overwrite our current universe destroying everything at the speed of light.
But if you don't have time, you don't have causation. If you don't have energy, you don't have a universe. Like I said, you can have a universe that's just energy and unable to form matter. We can already imagine it. But matter and energy are the same thing so it's not really different from ours.
Energy is literally the one part you can't do without.
(10,035 posts)endinequalitynow
(33 posts)An advanced civilization would have no interest in earth. All of our resources are more available elsewhere. Humanity is to primitive for a star traveling group to want to converse with. If anything they probably build cloaking spheres around their solar systems to prevent other interstellar civilizations from invading them.
(33 posts)I doubt these types of civilizations would need to talk to us. To give us their technology would be to create competition. It is likely that the " great void " is a type 3 Civilization that has colonized stars. That is scary.