Flat-Earther's publicity-stunt fails when rocket fails to launch.
https://www.denverpost.com/2018/02/06/flat-earther-rocket-launch-fails/While of no scientific value to either classical or flat-Earth physics, the Mojave stunt was intended to publicize Hughes mission and raise the $2 million necessary for his final mission later this year: to ride a hot-air balloon many miles into the sky, then use a rocket-pack to fly even higher and assess the shape of the horizon.
Itll shut the door on this ball earth, as Hughes put it in one of his pitches.
But the rocket just sat there, pulled directly down toward the Earths core, as Isaac Newton predicted, not going up and not sliding sideways toward the infinite cliffs of ice that ring the edge of the world in flat Earth models.
The launch aint happening, Zero finally admitted.
Hughes climbed out of the rocket to face the cameras. He scratched his head. Maybe I left a plug in there, he said. Maybe an O-ring melted. Who knew?
I pulled the plunger five different times, Hughes said. I considered beating on the rocket nozzle from the underneath side. But you cant get anyone under there. Itll kill you. Itll scald you to death. Itll blow the skin and muscle off your bones.
Hughes plans are unclear now. He said hed take apart the rocket to see what went wrong, but had commitments to think of besides science. He was supposed to be in court on Tuesday, he told the crowd, because he was suing the governor of California for unspecified reasons. He was also trying to claim the legal right to Charles Mansons guitar. He was a man of many ambitions.
Guys, Im sorry, Hughes said. What can you do?

(15,470 posts)dewsgirl
(14,964 posts)In this nonsense? These people are all inept (thank God) and crazed nut jobs.
(16,594 posts)Some don't understand what inertia and momentum are.
They love pointing to scientific explanations that supposedly support Flat-Earth-theory, but don't understand these explanations and get all confused and angry when you try to start a discussion.
They spend most of their time inventing excuses and special properties of Flat-Earth, so Flat-Earth stays a possibility even if disproven by an experiment.
They have this conspiracy-theory that any evidence proving that Earth is round has been faked by somebody for reasons.
And as Flat-Earthers don't offer any hard claims what Flat Earth actually is like, it's next to impossible to disprove it. (They don't even have an agreed-upon Flat-Earth-map...)
Their evidence that Earth is flat is dubious experiments that were conducted 150 years ago. And eyewitness-accounts. But somehow none of these eyewitnesses has bothered to take a picture.
Those Flat-Earthers who actually want to find out scientifically what Flat Earth is like are the tiniest minority. (e.g. One guy is trying to calculate a map of Earth from the flight-times of planes.)