Oprah Winfrey for President? Does anyone remember all the pseudoscience and quackery shes promoted?
I first remember becoming aware of Oprahs promotion of pseudoscience and mystical New Age nonsense more than ten years ago, when I learned of her promotion of The Secret. The Secret, if youll recall, is a spectacular bit of New Age woo that basically claims that, in essence, wishing makes it so. No, thats not quite right, although it is close. Basically, the idea behind The Secret is the Law of Attraction, which states that you will attract from the universe the things you want. Basically, if you want something badly enough, the universe will manifest it for you. Of course, on one level, there is a grain of truth to this idea. Obviously, people who want things badly work hard to obtain those things and are thus more likely to get them. The Secret, of course, takes that simple concept beyond the reasonable and into the realm of wishing making it so. I find The Secret to be a particularly pernicious bit of wishful thinking because it is at the heart of so much quackery. Indeed, I have argued that the central dogma of alternative medicine is in fact The Secret, or the idea that wishing makes it so.
But thats not all, either.

(53,410 posts)Anyone paying attention in an objective way to Presidential elections (or any other kind) knows all about magical thinking and selling. Promises which are ignored the day after the elections. And no one is more into this stuff than our present President. No one.
Every ad on tv is full of shit too. Happiness will come to you if you drive this car. Reality will change for you and transport you straight into your wildest desires. This product will make you thin.
Bullshit is all around us all the time. I see no reason to single out Oprah when all you have to do is turn on the tv or read a magazine or listen to the news, especially Fox News.
Having said that I don't want another celebrity to run. There are plenty of qualified younger people (non-boomers) who can do the job better.
(18,435 posts)..I just am not jumping on her Prez band wagon cuz she's unqualified (IMHO) for that particular office. I hope she runs for some kind of office tho...on a more local level.
(2,091 posts)....She had a wide variety of guests on her show. She will be blamed for the sins of the worst among them.
Now, here's the trick.....you are using insinuation and guilt by association.
I think it is pretty obvious what is going on. A lot of us already have a horse in this race .... and are threatened by a new entry into the field who could blow it wide open.
A poll out yesterday:
Oprah 48%
Trump 38%
That is scaring you guys to death
And I hear all this stuff about "experience"......like Galileo had experience, the dude thought the earth revolves around the sun! All the experienced minds knew it was the other way around!!!
(51,081 posts)Here's the trick.....it's not about the variety of guests on her show. It's about her actively supporting and promoting their bullshit.
I don't know what the hell the rest of your post is about.
(29,033 posts)Michelle Rhee is not a warrior woman; she's a scam artist. I just can't trust Oprah's judgment.
(4,407 posts)She was all over that for a while and it is, literally, dangerous.
(600 posts)is pretty much disqualifying AFAIAC. Shows either a severe lack of judgement or an almost criminal indifference.
(4,682 posts)to run for Presidenta?
I'd be very surprised if she did.
(8,559 posts)Emoluments are a thing to be ignored.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,556 posts)She has certainly done good things, including donating a lot of money to charities. Her whole shtick on her tv show, though, is emotional and "caring" (and I have no reason to doubt her sincerity). This quality, unfortunately, seems to have led her to promote some people and ideas that are superficially attractive but completely without scientific merit - and therefore if not downright destructive, are at least useless and a waste of time and money. Maybe she sincerely wants to help people, but she has allowed herself to be duped into allowing these people to dupe her audiences.
Just apart from the fact that the last thing we need is another inexperienced tv personality as a presidential candidate, I don't think she has the judgment necessary for the job.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)science. I have absolutely no use for her.
(32,076 posts)No no no.