No, Monsanto Is Not Going On Trial For Crimes Against Humanity on trial for crimes against nature and humanity, a headline for The Ecologist declared on Sunday. Other fringe websites reported similar news of the so-called International Monsanto Tribune set to take place in the Hague, the seat of Dutch government, in October of next year. Thus far, no mainstream media has reported on the plan, because its not a real trial.
Nevertheless, the group organizing the tribunal is doing its best to paint the event as a legitimate trial. The tribunal, the groups website explains, will rely on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights adopted at the UN in 2011, and assess potential criminal liability on the basis of the Rome Statue (sic) that created the International Criminal Court in The Hague in 2002.
While the verbiage sounds official, this tribunal is not governed by the United Nations nor the International Criminal Court, an international treaty-based court not affiliated with the UN. Instead, the group is using the guidelines of both for their trial, in a seeming attempt to lend authenticity to a glorified meeting of the whos who of anti-biotech science deniers, during which they will undoubtedly find their absent defendant guilty.
Most of the tribunal leaders have one thing in common: they are part of organic movement special interests, and they all demonize creators of Genetically Modified Organisms. These crops created with modern molecular genetic engineering are better known as GMOsa scientifically arbitrary term, because the vast majority of foods we consume, even organic foods, have had their genomes altered in the field or in a lab with techniques ranging from well-known selective breeding to lesser-known wide cross hybridization, which unnaturally forces organisms of different species or genera to produce offspring.
Yep. The MAMbots failed again.

Response to HuckleB (Original post)
Nailzberg This message was self-deleted by its author.
(4,610 posts)I had to go back and grab some of these links so I'm trying this again.
Just following the hashtags, there are hundreds of twitter accounts blasting the same tweet at the same time to make this a treading topic. These aren't retweets, this is hundreds of twitter accounts, supposedly run by bloggers, independently tweeting the same thing at the same time, all independently of each other.
Many of these accounts are using the logo of a social media marketing network as their avatar. Yeah, definitely no shilling going on over there.
And yet the DU anti-crowd attacked me as a shill, yet again, today, on a post that had nothing to do with any of their nonsense.