Organic farming increases profits. And this is considered awesome at DU?, I've got nothing against a farmer finally making a decent living, but how is it considered a good thing, when that living is simply about producing for a niche market with less than honest marketing? I don't get it.

(26,795 posts)...but this is serving up more evidence that organics are becoming more and more wanted by consumers.
That could mean more competition, which could help lower the price.
(35,773 posts)And that we need to improve our education system. As for the rest, meh.
(47,040 posts)With all the hysterics and innuendos aimed at non-organics, I'm not surprised people are scared.
"Corporate greed!"
And so on...
Procter and Gamble had to take Amway to court to get them to knock off the "P & G is satanic" rumors, which did hurt P & G's bottom line.
Meanwhile, since Chipotle went organic, they have a nightmare of E. Coli outbreaks, in multiple states.
(26,795 posts)Not sure what Procter and Gamble and Amway have to do with any of this, perhaps other than astraw man.
And what is it about organics and e. coli? Are organic foods more at risk for it?
(12,448 posts)It's "natural" dontcha know? And natural is awesome!
Arsenic is natural, too, but what the hell?
(35,773 posts)Exactly!