Another "Harvard study" that doesn't live up to what is touted.
In this case, the author of this woo piece (in a publication that puts a lot into UFO stories,) claims Roundup is causing bee colony collapses, and in fact the actual study says no such thing and the unknown author uses a bogus Einstein quote to boot.
Natural Thinking: (another) case study
by Robert Todd Carroll
July 12, 2015
A friend of a friend on Facebook recently posted a link to an article claiming that a "Harvard Study" proves that bees are disappearing because of neonicotinoid, the worlds most widely used insecticide. The poster commented:
Without bees, we will not survive (Albert Einstein gave the prediction of four years for humanity after bees are extinct). Bees are dying rapidly. Harvard just published [a] conclusive study that [the] direct cause is pesticides. Don't buy conventional produce (most are treated with pesticides). Do not use pesticides. Take part in Monsanto protests. Advocate for bees. Teach your kids about bees' crucial role in our existence. Re-examine your relationship to nature.