Make the next disaster-movie more realistic:"Yeah, its amazing. Ive always said that in these big-budget disaster films, where theres a meteorite hurtling toward Earth and Bruce Willis needs to save humanity, they always cut to the concerned citizens huddled around TVs around the world, all buying into that idea. They never show the guy who doesnt believe its coming. As all the science pours in, it was just really intriguing to me to try to figure out how these guys think around that evidence."
I want that.
* I want scenes of the hero saving planet Earth alternated with pundits ranting how this is a huge fraud. Special-interest "scientists" and their asteroid-deflection-lobby sucking on taxpayer-money!
* Isn't it suspicious that they hold the press conference on the asteroid-impact right at a time when the President is faced with a scandal?
* How do we even know whether this asteroid is real? Hoax or fraud?
* The asteroid-impact would primarily devastate several countries the US doesn't like anyway. She we really spend US-taxpayer-money to stop that asteroid?
* That asteroid is God's wrath for... something! Deflecting him would be blasphemy! The endtimes are coming and the believers will go to heaven. (=> Religious extremists try to sabotage the world-saving mission.)
* Maybe this is all a plot by feminazi-liberals and communist lizard-people to get rid of real manly men for their impending alien invasion, because that's what the asteroid really is!
* Are you aware of the economic damage your disaster-preparation and panic is causing?
* Wall-Street is tanking, people are investing their money in something other than printed paper and its Obama's fault for not reassuring the market!
* Buy guns, gold-coins and our original "Glenn Beck survival packages(TM)"!
* Do you have a motive for overstating the severity of the situation? WE ARE JUST ASKING QUESTIONS!
* Breaking News: Obama trash-talking Christianity again: In his globally broadcasted speech how mankind must work together now, he mentioned that we are all equal, implying that Christians are as good as murderous islamic terrorists.
* Was this waving-gesture a secret message for the impending alien-invasion?
* Reckless Obama uses world-wide catastrophe as a pretext to ram his partisan, extremist policies through Congress.
* Going Galt: Why bunkers for the 1% are the right thing to do.
* This will be Obama's "Katrina". Asteroid-gate.
* The right thing to do, would be for the US to launch an invasion in the Middle-East and secure the oil-fields, while those countries are still reeling with the consequences of the impact.
* The only way to prepare the US for a post-apocalyptic economy is to gut industrial and banking-regulations right now. And stop the handouts. Those moochers will day anyway in the sandstorms, harsh winters and famines. We also should sell public property to rich investors so they have the possibilities to kickstart the economy again after the impact.

(49,533 posts)It realistically portrayed the religious loons who were threatened by the whole notion of alien life - as well as their likely response. Frightening and disappointing, but wholly realistic.
(38,532 posts)for the "skeptics".
(17,505 posts)..... except the Star Trek episode the "trip" ended up being. But that's the problem with a lot of good scifi.... they are clever but get into places that are hard to get out of.
That's why I adore "2001: a Space Odyssey". The aliens are SO alien, they must be represented by something, never shown. And after the traveling light show.... the shot of the 18th century room thru the window of the space pod is almost as "WTF??????" as a real alien encounter would be.
(35,564 posts)to represent the aliens.
2001 is my favorite movie of all time.
(17,505 posts)Are they "the aliens" or something else? Other aliens? There was talk in the FX dept. of crystalline life forms... but not that they were "the aliens" or even intelligent aliens.
Kubrick famously did not explain the film. Clark's book is not the film.
And I'm with you. My fave film! I know it sounds corny, but when I saw this film (age 11) it changed how I looked at everything.
(35,564 posts)I always assumed s,o but they aren't definitely "the aliens". But that's what is so great about the film.
(17,505 posts)Indeed.
Besides.... the aliens are clearly depicted in my signature gif below....
(35,564 posts)welcome our feline masters.