"The Lord Of The Rings" actually happened?
Well, this loony tune says so...
#1282: Doug Yurchey
A.k.a. Tray Caladan
Doug Yurchey (or Tray Caladan pretty sure theyre the same person) writes for the blog at world-mysteries.com, a website devoted to claiming that mysteries easily explained by science are unexplainable, that History Channels Ancient Aliens series consist of actual documentaries (and just the tip of the iceberg of what there is to discover), and pretty much supporting any piece of pseudo-history, pseudo-archaeology, conspiracy theory and woo known to mankind. Of course, the people at the website are just exploring alternative theories, but you know. A recurring topic on the blog is the existence of out-of-place artifacts and the purported existence of advanced civilizations before any of the known civilizations, as well as UFOs. It is for instance, inconceivable to some of these people that ordinary humans could have built all those ancient constructions such as the pyramids despite the notable lack of sophisticated engineering that went into said constructions and Yurchey has suggested that the ancient constructions were done with anti-gravity
powerful lasers and super-computers. Instead of, you know, workers forced to pile stones on top of each other in what are, architectonically, essentially big heaps of rock.
Anyways, Doug Yurchey is one of their recurring writers, and he seems to be able to meet the websites standards for expertise on a lot of topics. He has written extensively about the Philadelphia Experiment, the Moon Landing hoax (and the murder of Stanley Kubrick, who directed the movie documentation of the moon landing). Among his more recent articles, this one is rather priceless: yes, Yurchey (or Caladan) argues that
the colorful characters and strange events Tolkien gave the world in his epics were NOT figments of his wild imagination; they were REAL! Thats right. In The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien is really writing up the real history of the world that he had discovered in ancient Finnish texts, and which had been suppressed by the powers that be (Yurchey seems to have the idea from Jay Weidner, whom we have encountered before), though the story really involved aliens and archons
archons? Oh, yeah those. Do the RINGS (and its Lord) really refer to Saturns rings? asks Yurchey, and we all know what answer he wants to give. At least we have plenty of evidence for trolls and orcs; ancient bones of human-like creatures from a range of 9 feet to over 50 feet have been unearthed, often. But they have been suppressed by the powerful archaeological elite. Yurchey doesnt try to explain why.

(23,156 posts)actually occurred, but were suppressed, then why was Tolkien able or allowed to publish? Just asking that simple question ought to reveal the idiocy inherent in saying it happened but was suppressed.
(103,210 posts)because the whole thing about a powerful island empire to the west that ends up swallowed by the ocean is too much of an obvious steal to not be acknowledged.
It's bizarre to decide the Rings must refer to Saturn's rings, though; to just take a very different use of the word and say "see? That proves it all" is a stretch even for these kind of people. You think they'd have said it shows all the myths that Wagner's Ring Cycle is based on are true, since at least that's about the kind of ring that can be worn.
(16,594 posts)It all makes sense now!!!