Just wonderful. (sarcasm off)
Another fake video from the vaccines cause autism frauds.

(113,131 posts)so I imagine either the poster will delete and skulk on back to the Astrology &c or Creative Speculation groups or somebody will alert.
It's been a long time coming, but Wakefield no longer gets much sympathy around here.
(47,040 posts)Unfortunately, Wakefield has his devoted disciples.
Just as Rush Limbaugh has his "Dittoheads."
Just look at the people here, and you'll see just how stupid mankind can get, from creationism to quackery.
And that's just here in the US.
(41,318 posts)Pity that there are still some sites that back Wakefield, however.
The idea that Wakefield is some sort of martyr to a corrupt profit-driven healthcare system is the exact opposite of the truth. Wakefield could not keep up his profit-driven corrupt career in a country with single-payer healthcare, so he moved to Texas, where healthcare was and presumably still is more profit-driven and less regulated. If you had to save your career by re-locating from Gordon Brown to Rick Perry, you are probably not an anti-profit saint. And he certainly is NOT; and the evidence comes from multiple sources.
(47,040 posts)The mere fact that the video was even posted shows how Wakefield's cult still thrives.
Even anti-vaxx loons like Bill Maher have a fanclub.
(41,318 posts)To clarify: Maher isn't a fixture in the UK, and most of what I know about him comes from DU! So I could be inaccurate on some of his views. Anyway, I am not a great fan myself, because of the anti-vaccine stuff; because he seems to be all over the place politically; and because he has made some quite Islamophobic remarks. Criticizing Islam (or any religion) itself is one thing; but he seems to have swallowed the 'Eurabia' myth that Muslims are taking over Britain and Europe.
However, he also supported Obama against Bush; supports healthcare reform; supports marijuana legislation (that in itself would get you a fanclub in certain quarters!); and is liberal on a number of social issues.
So I don't think that Maher fans are necessarily fans because he's against vaccines. Whereas there would be no other obvious reason to be a fan of Wakefield!