Why is GD getting so upset about Woo all of a sudden?

Some people just haven't been taking their homeopathic chill pills.

(13,081 posts)It's like they all got the same message on their moonbeams...
Liberal Veteran
(22,239 posts)A little meditation and massage should realign things and restore balance.
I've placed a crystal near my computer to speed things up a bit.
(47,035 posts)It's becoming more and more obvious that woo is a colossal lie.
Chiropractic, acupuncture, crystals, and homeopathy is proving itself to be fake.
So the woo sellers are amping up the sales pitches, and the woo advocates are getting desperate.
(7,321 posts)Just wondering if the sarcasm coda was forgotten?
(35,773 posts)

(35,773 posts)kdmorris
(5,649 posts)and it was running out of other topics.
(41,318 posts)I don't really care about what people choose to believe in, or use, for themselves; but it does bother me when people start sneering at others' illnesses; e.g. treating depression as something that can be cured by 'getting off your ass'. I never liked this attitude, and the last three years of Iain Duncan-Smith and the RW press trying to portray people with health problems as scroungers have made me even more intolerant of it!
(51,050 posts)The key thing to remember is that you're arrogant and close-minded!
And too sciencey!!!
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Granted, it's kind of nebulous and not based on anything concrete, but it seems odd that there is an explosion of support for whackjob-cures the same &$%@ week this country finally institutes some kind of health care reform.
(6,785 posts)Telepathic commands from Deepak Chopra?
I got all curious and went and looked, now I wish I hadn't. Yeesh.
Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)The strawmen, the anecdotes, the false accusations, the projections, even from some posters I otherwise respect.
Depressing. I suspect this distrust of science is a form of neo-yokelism that's a product of our cynical, anti-authoritarian age.
Life expectancy was around 40 at the beginning of the 20th century (and it still is in traditional tribal societies), but by the end of the century it had nearly doubled with many nasty diseases eradicated or nearly so.
It wasn't any woo (and I just the word deliberately) that brought that about.
(49,533 posts)that prior to the discovery of (insert sciencey thing I don't like here), there was NO SUCH THING AS CANCER SO THERE!
Oh and please disregard the tumor-containing mummies we have. They were planted by Big Yak to distract us. Thanks.
Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)Indeed. I remember a discussion about low rates of cancer in traditional societies versus a western country with the highest cancer rate in the world. The conclusion seemed obvious to the woo'sters: western lifestyles cause cancer. It's obvious, look at these numbers. No question about it. QED.
Digging a little deeper, it turned out the traditional society in question had an average life expectancy of around 38, whereas the western country with the highest cancer rate also had one of the highest life expectancies in the world (and almost certainly better diagnostics).
Low cancer rates usually means the people don't live long enough to develop it, whereas high cancer rates can mean higher life expectancy rates.
That said, down with Big Yak, of course. Bastards.
(61,935 posts)uriel1972
(4,261 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)now dammit, where's my medal?
Woo is just fine for healthy people, especially when they're hypchondriacs.
It just doesn't do a thing for any real disease process.
(48,728 posts)But it hurts me to think of the things grown-ups believe in.
(14,489 posts)Because if they take them from me, that's what I'll be! Cold and dead!
(4,261 posts)Archae
(47,035 posts)"Scientific materialists"
"If you just open your mind to the possibilities, (fill in the blank woo) can cure (fill in the blank disease)."
"Where's the actual evidence then?"
"You're a scientific materialist! BLASPHEMER!"
The latest I saw was a guy touting the "credentials" of a doctor, who claims quantum science "proves" there is life after death.
(4,261 posts)I would say yes I am one, your point?
(7,886 posts)like the current flu.