Sylvia Browne's last failed prediction...
On the Larry King Show in 2003, she predicted she would live to be 88 years old.
As just about everybody knows by now, she croaked on Nov. 20, at the age of 77.
Just Google the old fraud's name for full details.
I'm often chided by DU'ers for my "lack of respect" when people like Browne or Jerry Falwell finally shuffle off this mortal coil.
Well, there's a simple explanation - I never had any respect for them in the first place, and will not pretend I did. The usual hypocrisies like "sorry they're gone" won't work either. In fact, I'm not sorry, and would probably not mind much if Browne had organized a Psychic Jonestown and taken every one of her sorry ilk with her.
Yes, I'm a horrible person.

(47,035 posts)She cheated many people out of lots of money, and two families she told their missing family members were dead, when they were still alive and being held captive by sex perverts.
Her body only deserves to be thrown into a sewer.
(38,613 posts)She said she was halfway through Browne's latest (at that time) book, and she was all up into it. There was no third date.
It's tough being single in San Francisco. Sure, pretty much everyone is liberal, that's the easy part. The hard part is dates who demand to know your birthday right up front, or who say they'll "never date a libra", or who mock organized religion but believe the "universe" will grant your wishes, or believe in chemtrails, or tarot cards, or I Ching. Or who claim to be psychic to their friends, but claim to be "intuitive" to me. The list goes on and on.
End rant!
(7,886 posts)but for an entirely different reason >>
On topic I'll misquote Mark Twain "I have never wished anyone dead, but I have read some obituaries with a smile."
(9,356 posts)But you just described being single in Los Angeles as well. When I was more actively dating, about 150 years ago, it seemed that the first question from every woman was astrological. (I was about to work in a joke about those women in the Donner Party starving for affection, but that would be in bad taste so I won't.)
Jebus! Surrounded by potential Sarah Winchesters* but unfortunately all of them lacked her spectacular...assets.
One difference - Skeptic's Society meetings, where the women had their own hilarious stories of being courted by Qi Warriors, Knights Templar reincarnated as accountants, etc.
*California inside joke. Non-Californians should just Google "Winchester House San Jose" for yet another depressing look at the Power Of Woo.
(38,613 posts)And I be sure to choose a birthday that's nowhere near mine. They always, always, always say "I knew you were a such-and-such sign"
(5,113 posts)Bolo Boffin
(23,872 posts)I would have been just as happy had she come clean and ended them during her life. Since she would not, good riddance.
(6,271 posts)the failure of that prediction are very small. I doubt Sylvia minds us laughing at her in her present 'plane.'
(11,619 posts)prostitution without the satisfaction,
playing on peoples fears,
a prophet for profit.
Who conned her last con
And lost her last sucker's bet.