Advent Calendar - Day 6
For lovers of both modern scientific thought and Gangsta culture, Nerdcore hip hop artist theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking rapping under the name MC Hawking.
The lyrics display insight into many aspects of current scientific thought, Newton's laws of motion ("All My Shootings Be Drivebys"
, Einstein's theory of relativity ("E=MC Hawking"
, the Big Bang ("The Big Bizang"
, Thermodynamics ("Entropy"
, and quantum physics subjects such as Schrödinger's cat and the wave function collapse ("Rock Out With Your Hawk Out"
The creation evolution controversy is also mentioned in "Fuck the Creationists" and "Entropy".
Make your Xmas party go with a big bang!
"What We Need More Of Is Science": (mp3, 3MB)
"Entropy": (mp3, 3MB)
"E=mc Hawking": ((mp3, 5MB)
"Fuck the Creationists": (mp3, 3MB)
(NB - Professor Hawking is aware of MC Hawking and said he was "flattered"