Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumThink the god botherers will ever realize that praying is an absolute waste of time?
The latest shooting in VB. Signage to Pray Big, because that is obviously more effective than praying medium or small.
Simple minds.

(70,718 posts)old guy
(3,299 posts)Is that like "be best"?
(2,453 posts)by Facebook "likes" and retweets. All the gods are going digital now. Praying is so last decade.
(29,941 posts)erronis
(18,043 posts)there's no reasoning.
Big, small. Up, down. Prayers or just thoughts? (Value judgement).
Let's make sure we don't get indoctrinated into "one way" as they have.
Open minds, skeptical, evidence-based. Show us proof, not just words.
mountain grammy
(27,566 posts)But they sure bother me when theyre in my face.. I say pray yourself away, just please do it in private.
(24,656 posts)mountain grammy
(27,566 posts)

(5,357 posts)just probably not what they think. It can help people focus their thoughts, vent, and find some comfort by talking about trauma they experienced or witnessed. Those are good things. We need all the good things we can get in these violent, fucked up times. Heck, I'm an atheist and I pray sometimes (to the open universe). It makes me feel better to get stuff off my chest, even if no one is listening.
(24,656 posts)is just speaking your feelings out loud. Its a very human act of introspection. Why demean it by calling it praying?
(35,341 posts)Voltaire2
(15,315 posts)I don't think that really qualifies as "talking about trauma they experienced or witnessed", and besides most of the people praying in response to mass shootings didn't experience or witness any trauma. Instead they are deflecting from doing anything substantive about mass shootings by begging their god to make it go away.
(24,656 posts)Egotistical mental masturbation.
Nothing cheaper in this world than prayer.
(19,503 posts)mahina
(19,503 posts)Just a thought.
(15,315 posts)I'll stop bothering about god botherers on this issue.
(19,503 posts)The NRA needs to be dissolved, never to rise again.
If theres a clearer example of the corrupting influence of campaign finance in this country, I dont know of it. Unimaginable bloodshed and shattered lives because some congressmen get some money and are cowards.
Shit has got to change. On that we agree.
(15,805 posts)happens according to gawds will. So if they pass that math test... Praise to jeebus! If they discover their spouse is cheating, no problemo, their gawd has something better lined up for them. When them biscuits don't burn, hallelujah!
They will always pray... For a winning lottery ticket, the tornado that mysteriously steers around their house, a miracle cure, boils and plague upon their enemies, and they will blithely accept whatever outcome their diety deems them worthy (or unworthy) of, and then prey even harder the next time.
(35,013 posts)Most of the mass murders, floods and storms are in Bible states that are attacking women's rights and choice of whom one loves.
Pay attention
(13,854 posts)It doesn't look like his prayers, TV ministry or university were of any use there or maybe he just picked the wrong god.
(6,675 posts)"do this, do that". I doubt if God was listening.