Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumGod was with us
A story on the morning news told of a small boat capsizing, trapping a woman and baby in the water under the boat.
Fortunately they were rescued and she told the TV reporter:
"God was with us"
So, I'm thinking ~~> Why didn't He rescue you?

mountain grammy
(27,583 posts)And why the floods? Sick bastard.
(49,533 posts)Isn't god amazing?
(35,578 posts)13 people in Louisiana.
Binkie The Clown
(7,911 posts)who claimed god saved her from the storm. She doesn't bother to wonder why god didn't save her next door neighbor.
(18,312 posts)It was brutal -- I posted about it in another post, but basically, drugged crazed man, paranoid and delusional, broke into our house at 2am and brutally attacked my husband and I after ransacking and destroying our home, and literally making the two of us fight for our lives. I was badly, though not seriously, injured. My husband less so. The intruder...well, he won't be intruding anymore. There was a very real period of time during the time that he was attacking me, and I was fighting for my life, that I thought that either my husband, or I, or both of us, were going to die that night. It was more than a fear. It was palpable. I can still remember thinking "no no no, this isn't how it's supposed to happen!" I can taste it, still.
It was physically and psychologically traumatizing, to say the least. The DU'ers who know me on FB know more about this than I'm willing to share here. Trust me to say it was the worst. Ever.
Upon hearing about it, so many people would say "boy, someone was watching over you two!" My mother in law praised god for watching over us and saving us.
Seriously? "Watching over us?" He was asleep at the switch because there was at least 15-20 minutes where I"m on the phone wiht 911 *begging* for someone to come help us, screaming at the top of my lungs so much that i was hoarse for 3 days, bloodied from head to toe because of a strange man who couldn't handle his drugs. Watching over me? As I nearly pissed myself with fear waking up to a bleeding stranger standing in my bedroom at 2am? Watching over us as my husband was forced to do what he had to do to save me from the 300lb drugged-out man sitting on me trying to kill me?
Saving us? You know who saved us? My husband. HE saved me. Not the police. Not anyone or anything else.
SO fucking annoying. And offensive. We get to go through 6 months of HIV & Hepatitis testing, and got to take $6k in anti-retroviral HIV meds because of this fucker's blood making us look like the prom scene in Carrie. But God was watching, God saved us. Yeah, well he could have intervened a little bit earlier, I have to say.
(6,592 posts)
(51,087 posts)NeoGreen
(4,033 posts)....sort of related...
Instead of drowning us all at one time, he is on a piece-work plan now...