Related: About this forumEarly humans may have survived the harsh winters by hibernating
Seasonal damage in bone fossils in Spain suggests Neanderthals and their predecessors followed the same strategy as cave bears
Robin McKie Science Editor
Sun 20 Dec 2020 05.30 EST
Bears do it. Bats do it. Even European hedgehogs do it. And now it turns out that early human beings may also have been at it. They hibernated, according to fossil experts.
Evidence from bones found at one of the world’s most important fossil sites suggests that our hominid predecessors may have dealt with extreme cold hundreds of thousands of years ago by sleeping through the winter.
The scientists argue that lesions and other signs of damage in fossilised bones of early humans are the same as those left in the bones of other animals that hibernate. These suggest that our predecessors coped with the ferocious winters at that time by slowing down their metabolisms and sleeping for months.
The conclusions are based on excavations in a cave called Sima de los Huesos – the pit of bones – at Atapuerca, near Burgos in northern Spain.
Over the past three decades, the fossilised remains of several dozen humans have been scraped from sediments found at the bottom of the vertiginous 50-foot shaft that forms the central part of the pit at Atapuerca. The cave is effectively a mass grave, say researchers who have found thousands of teeth and pieces of bone that appear to have been deliberately dumped there. These fossils date back more than 400,000 years and were probably from early Neanderthals or their predecessors.

(35,071 posts)I'll have to check 23andme.
(9,308 posts)True Blue American
(18,429 posts)I have always said I hibernate during the winter months since I retired. I love the changing seasons but winter rest prepares me for a gorgeous Spring! My favorite time of year.
(870 posts)I thought something was wrong with me for wanting to sleep in all the time during the darkness of the last couple of months. I am retired as well.
True Blue American
(18,429 posts)I just call it common sense!
Went out this morning, finished what little I did this year, stocked up on the things I know We will be craving after Christmas excess. Even with a small immediate family we still over do.
Rain and snow expected Christmas Eve. If it gets bad we will just move the date. Nice this morning, 39.
(870 posts)Unfortunately, I live in a part of the country where ice and snow is rare. However, I am driving to North Georgia for a very small family gathering. There is a chance of the frozen stuff, but not likely.
True Blue American
(18,429 posts)Georgia mainly has an ice problem but here the roads are still too warm for it to stay. Georgians are just not used to snow and ice.
You should be fine. Ours has now changed to rain and snow.
Today is the longest day of the year so we passed the hump!
Response to Judi Lynn (Original post)
CatLady78 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(24,006 posts)... or I could hibernate until the afternoon.
Wake me when the virus is defeated.
True Blue American
(18,429 posts)Early morning service, several with out masks. Sure enough, someone came up with the virus.I had decided to stay home. Glad I did.
(13,181 posts)What may have arisen as a survival trait can become a liability in our artificially organized world. If the time that just our modern species has been around were collapsed into 24 hours, we didn't start farming until around 10:30pm, so we may have evolved a lot a traits in conflict with civilization.
Good thinking!
(34,195 posts)I get up too may times a night to go to the bathroom.
(7,794 posts)Had to get up and go on Jan 17th, then just as I was finally snoozing good, it hit me again on March 3rd. Never again with the apple juice.........
(85,357 posts)

(17,112 posts)I just turn on the A/C and stay inside, venturing out every few days to check the mail or go and pick up groceries, which I do in the early morning, before the heat really settles in. I do that from about the beginning of May until the end of September. There's still some hot weather before and after those months, but usually it isn't so brutal.