Related: About this forumTax dollar giveaway time. Small modular reactors. is a huge public relations effort behind the push for small modular reactor (SMR) nuclear power plants. The nuke industry is flooding the media with hyper-optimistic information describing SMR plants as The Answer to all our prayers. Reading between the lines, however, reveals that SMR development in the US lags behind Russia and China because they enjoy cheap labor and can take safety shortcuts. So SMRs may never even take off domestically, let alone develop an export market. Unless... yes, you guessed it: tax breaks, subsidies, streamlined licensing, the whole ball of wax. And we might do it. Global warming is a bitch, and it might be worth it to spend trillions of dollars to subsidize and regulate hundreds of nuke plants all over the country. Make no mistake; it will be waaaay expensive, probably with a bigger price tag than going to Mars and our coming war with Iran. What do we think? Worth it or not?

(35,291 posts)It's not a "public relations" effort to develop and deploy SMRs, and it's not done by cheap labor.
We'll leave cheap labor - specifically cobalt slavery for batteries pushed by antinukes in their stupid reactionary so called "renewable energy" scam - to the antinukes.
Modern Slavery, Cobalt Mining.
My son is training as a high level nuclear engineer; has an excellent stipend, and is working to address the issues about which bourgeois antinukes couldn't give a rat's ass: Climate change and the death toll associated with air pollution.
They do this work in the face of catcalls from the abysmally ignorant.
A highly trained, mathematically sophisticated, highly educated nuclear engineer can expect a six figure salary, pretty much out of school but that is not the reason that these young people are working long hours on highly challenging projects.
Their interest is saving what is left to be saved and restore that which can be restored from the climate change that antinuke ignorance has done so much to drive in their blind and deadly acceptance of the fossil fuel industry.
And let's be clear: Antinukes don't give a flying fuck about poverty, about the environment, sustainability or for that matter, human decency. The toxic success of their rhetoric is recorded in the 50 additional ppm of the dangerous fossil fuel waste carbon dioxide dumped into the planetary atmosphere in the 21st century alone, nor do they give a rat's ass about the 7 million people their ignorance helps to kill each year:
Here is what it says about air pollution deaths in the 2019 Global Burden of Disease Survey, if one is too busy to open it oneself because one is too busy carrying on about Fukushima:
The main difference between antivaxxers and antinukes is that antivaxxers have not killed even a fraction of the people killed by antinukes. Covid at its peak didn't kill 19,000 people per day.
Nuclear power saves lives:
Prevented Mortality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Historical and Projected Nuclear Power (Pushker A. Kharecha* and James E. Hansen Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47 (9), pp 48894895)
It follows that antinuke ignorance kills people.
I have never met an antinuke in this space possessed with either a shred of decency or a shred of scientific sophistication.
(I have also never met one in this space who understands even basic math, but that's another matter.)
It's all specious unreferenced and deadly innuendo, fear and ignorance.
No sense of decency, at long last, no sense of decency among these penny pinching bourgeois consumerist fossil fuel excusing fools, none.
Have a nice evening.
It is worth it. Thanks.