Seekers on Unique Paths
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(29,135 posts)It is welcoming, friendly, and I like the fact that it does not reference any specific religious or philosophical labels.
(178 posts)Thanks for your input, BlueIris! It just seems to me that we can accomplish two purposes here with a change of the general sort mentioned above. Elsewhere at the main religion forum I've suggested the need for a group for religious free-thinkers and seekers that also speaks to the need for greater community and common activity among those who follow even unique paths. I made the point that some of the DU religion groups are openly (and to my mind overly) hostile to anything and everything with the word religion attached to them. It was suggested that maybe this "Unique Parths" group would be the best fit for that sort of expanded vision of religious "unity within diversity", whether it's free-range spirituality, UU, Ethical Culture, Humanistic Judaism, or liberal Buddhist, or Bahai Unitarian, etc. The denominational names are not important, but to attract greater participation and draw more attention to all of our uniquely personal "freedom paths" in religion, while acknowledging that none of them exist in a vacuum, maybe adding the freedom-based UU community to the title would serve that purpose. However, if active participants in the group (so very few, judging from the number of posts over the past year or so) are not supportive of such a change, I can and will respect that.
(178 posts)All of your input on this is welcome. It may well be that a new group will need to be started to try to meet the purposes described above. Unitarian Universalism is itself a hard to categorize approach to religion. Just saying "unique paths" is only the beginning to us. And Liberal Christian and Non-believer groups are not as open to UU (and its broad diversity) as one might expect either. Maybe asking DU to begin a new group with a name similar to the one proposed here would be the best solution.
(178 posts)I'm waiting to hear something from Admin at DU about starting a new group, primarily for UU and that particular mode of freethinking religion in general. They're being a little slow in getting back to me on this, but if we can do this I'll be happy to remove the poll (...and the "Seekers" group can continue as is). I've also offered to host the new group.
If any of you would like to offer your support for such a start the new group -- possibly under the title of "Freethinkers and Unitarian Universalists" -- please consider sending an e-mail note to Admin. Your support is much appreciated!
Still Blue in PDX
(1,999 posts)The current name perfectly sums up what I am, but if others were in favor of a name change to enliven the place, I would be as well.
I don't post here often, but this is one of the few places on DU that I "religiously" check in.
(178 posts)I'm still waiting to hear from DU Admin on starting a new group. Nothing that we currently have really sums up the combination of freedom and community, of seeking and social action, that I think should be available...somewhere. The main "Religion" group is supposed to be even-handed but as it turns out is pretty hostile to anything that has the religion label attached.
It does appear that the idea of adding UU to this group is not getting the near-unanimous approval that I would have wanted to make the change, so I'll be removing the poll shortly.
Thanks again, to everybody, for bearing with me on this.