A Prayer for the People of Ukraine
Lampada, March 2014
St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Charlottesville (Greenwood), Virginia Lampada
Let us Pray to the Lord - Lord, Have Mercy
Almighty Father, You said that when two or three are gathered in your name – you would be among them. Remembering Your words and having received the land of Ukraine for our heritage.
“O Lord, bless your inheritance” (Divine Liturgy) Timely Epistles from Our Hierarchs
We ask you today to prove us mindful of this great blessing. Bless our ancestral homeland Ukraine and these United States with honorable works, sound learning, and good manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogance. Defend liberty which is an expression of your DivineWill. During this time of difficulty throughout our ancestral homeland Ukraine fill our hearts with gratitude, and grant the people of Ukraine, and all of us the grace to continue to trust in You and Your mercy as we did in previous days of trouble. We ask this for we know that you are a gracious and loving God in whom we are blessed through the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, always now and ever and to the ages of ages. AMEN
Source: https://stnicholasorthodoxchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/LampadaLent2014Text20p.pdf (March 2014)
I’m sorry if this didn’t copy very well. Please pray for our brothers and sisters and their families in Ukraine. For those of Ukrainian heritage, may God keep your families safe and end this conflict swiftly. Please guide those in positions of leadership to use their best judgment to protect our people and their homeland. Lord Have Mercy. Amen.