(Jewish Group) ADL teams up with Jewish frat AEPi on initiative to tackle antisemitism on campuses
ADL teams up with Jewish frat AEPi on initiative to tackle antisemitism on college campuses
For its latest effort to combat antisemitism on college campuses, the Anti-Defamation League is turning to a particular brand of college student: frat boys.
The Jewish civil rights group is partnering with Alpha Epsilon Pi, the historically Jewish fraternity, on an initiative to engage members of AEPi’s 150 local chapters starting this fall, the two groups announced Monday. They revealed the new initiative — which will include the creation of something called the Antisemitism Response Center — during AEPi’s international convention in New Orleans over the weekend.
One person will be hired to work with the fraternity’s chapters, training members to spot and respond to antisemitism and to advocate for Israel on their campuses, the organizations said.
“Our members are on the front lines of this battle on college campuses,” Rob Derdiger, AEPi’s CEO, said in the press release. “Since AEPi exists in both the Jewish and interfraternity communities on campus, our leaders have an opportunity to educate others about antisemitism and Israel.”