(Jewish Group) Jews and Muslims come together on Srebrenica genocide anniversary
Jews and Muslims came together on Monday in Bosnia on the eve of the 28th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre, Europe’s only acknowledged genocide since the Holocaust, to talk about ways of using their shared pain to help rid the world of hate and bigotry.
More than 8,000 Bosniak — mainly Muslim — men and boys were killed in July 1995 in Srebrenica, after Bosnian Serb troops took hold of the eastern town. The carnage has been declared a genocide by two U.N. courts.
“It is absolutely critical for the future of both the Jewish people and the [Muslim] Bosniak people, for us to join forces in remembrance in order to make sure that these type of atrocities not be allowed to occur in the future,” Menachem Rosensaft, gneral counsel of the World Jewish Congress, told the Associated Press.
Founded in 1936, the World Jewish Congress, or WJC, is the leading international organization connecting and protecting Jewish communities in more than 100 countries globally.