(Jewish Group) Who was the mystery MAGA rabbi who prayed with Trump? We found him -- but...
Who was the mystery MAGA rabbi who prayed with Trump? We found him — but big questions remain
On the afternoon of June 13, Donald J. Trump sauntered into Versailles, the legendary Cuban restaurant in Miami's Little Havana, for what was the first post-arraignment wrap party in the history of the American presidency. Once inside, he paused to huddle for two prayers with two men.
The first cleric who blessed Trump was quickly identified by the media. He is a right-wing evangelical Christian pastor named Mario Bramnick. We'll familiarize ourselves with his global political activism in a moment.
The second man to bless Trump was, in most news reports, identified as a "rabbi," presumably because he was wearing a large black kippah or Jewish skullcap. His invocation began with a few words in ritualistic Hebrew. He then switched to rapid-fire Spanish.
This man was not named in any of the original media reports. On Twitter no one seemed to know who he was. On YouTube he was briefly (but incorrectly) identified as a prominent Miami rabbi — whose synagogue, ironically enough, is an ally of the city's LGBTQ community.