'Stay in your lane!' says KC football player far outside his lane
Butker sees the government's response to COVID-19 as the most obvious overlap between secular and religious leadership failings. He repeatedly alludes to the refusal of many U.S. bishops to continue in-person Masses during the pandemic. According to Butker, this communicates weakness and that "the sacraments don't matter." As such, he suggests, clergy generally lack public authority because they are too afraid and too content. The average clergyman, according to Butker, is too reliant upon lay leadership while pridefully pursuing "adulation." Don't they know that's what social media influencers are for?
Butker's address holds within it a tension around the public and private natures of spirituality. He argues that both clergy and laypeople must be bolder and more public. Yet, he also asserts that praying and fasting in secret reap far greater rewards than any public platform. His repeated digs at the LGBTQ+ community and DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) initiatives raise the question: Who is allowed to be public? Who and what are expected to stay private?
We hold these questions in mind as Butker transitions to a discussion of gender. It is these comments that have launched his speech into the internet spotlight. He insists that women have been lied to, and that while many of the female graduates are likely thinking about jobs and promotions, those things are far inferior to the call of "homemaker." The most important thing a woman does, according to Butker, is to support her husband in his professional pursuits and remind him of the importance of family. At no point does he say women should not work, only that their work should be subordinate to their marital responsibilities.
While the tonal incongruence of devaluing women's professional pursuits at their own college graduation is aptly attended to in the video's virality, this is not a new belief. More and more, "tradwife" values are being spread by Catholic influencers. What most astonishes me about this speech is the utter hypocrisy of insisting upon a traditional Catholicism while undermining the authority of clerical leadership. He goes so far as to say the average American bishop leads an "inconsequential existence." Setting this disregard of intrinsic human dignity aside, would not a traditional Catholic perspective be to submit to your bishop's catechetical authority?
OAITW r.2.0
(29,155 posts)I blame it on my superior, 8 year, Jesuit education.
(5,370 posts)I'm not going to alert on your post, but this is not a place to talk about why you're an ex-Catholic. Thanks.
Here are our rules, in case you didn't read them:
Welcome to the Catholic & Orthodox Group. This is a safe haven group where discussions about Catholicism and Orthodoxy take place in a forum free from gratuitous attacks or derision of religion and religious beliefs. There are other places for those who really like to do that. Our focus is on the beliefs and traditions of Catholicism and Orthodoxy. For the rest, welcome, and pax vobiscum. Peace be among you.
Constructive criticism of the politics of the Catholic hierarchy is permitted, but no incendiary attacks on the Catholic and/or Orthodox faiths will be tolerated.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,155 posts)shrike3
(5,370 posts)Irish_Dem
(62,006 posts)where people were dying in droves?
The Bishops were doing the right thing.
(5,370 posts)There were lots of offensive things in that speech, and the remark about women was only one.
(62,006 posts)An entire church congregation could have been decimated.
Especially the elderly members, or the disabled or ill members.
Then there was a time the children were getting sick with Covid.
I was attending Catholic school when the polio vaccine came out.
The nuns lined us up and we all got our sugar cubes with the polio vaccine.
The nuns and the parents were thrilled to see children receive protection
from a deadly disease.
Right don't get me started on this guy's attitude towards women.
(53,539 posts)Silent Type
(7,846 posts)stuff didnt really bother me (other than Ive heard that BS too many times and usually by hypocrites). Cool if thats what one wants.
But the other crud digs at the LGBTQ+ community and DEI, Covid, Biden, masculinity, etc. are downright disgusting. Hope he misses a bunch of kicks this season, and Taylor Swift kicks his ass.
(36,714 posts)Instead he told them it was the right lifestyle for his audience. Thats insulting and incorrect. And his audience was there not to hear him, but to receive honors for graduation, many with family and friends attending. They couldnt walk out or shout out in protest without being disruptive or upsetting themselves or family friends.
Its as wrong as telling captive audience graduates that the country made a mistake in abolishing slavery or that the best lifestyle for people of color is as maids and agriculture workers.
(2,827 posts)During his tenure as president of Illinois Wesleyan University, he addressed many graduating classes. His speeches were always witty, urbane and humanistic. The love he had for his student body was obvious. Guest speakers were aware of the expected, respectful tone.
Minor never recycled a speech, but they always closed with the same sentence:
"Now...go forth. And do good!"
(7,194 posts)Women who have purposely chosen a non-wife career. It is not a hobby for them. It is a chosen career to be the brides of Christ and remain celibate and not have children. He tells them they'd be more fullfilled in marriage to a man and having children.
Wow, what arrogance and everything antithical to Roman Catholicism. Serving the church is a much higher calling. You can't tell me those nuns are not fullfilled.