NOw, what are the odds.....
Both the Sandusky trial for child sexual abuse,
AND the Philadelphia Archdiocese trial for child sexual abuse,
are both coming to an end; what are the odds, astrologically,
that the trials conclude here and now?
AND why in Pennsylvania?
I'm not that astrologically sophisticated to sort that out,
but it sure is more than coincidence...
Will this all be swept under the proverbial carpet?
Or will this be a moment for children?

(3,794 posts)in a particularly sensitive spot in PA's chart. No, he's going nowhere except jail.
It is a moment FOR ALL OF US. Our collective family.
THe REASON it is happening is because we are ready to hear it.
(2,185 posts)but are we mature enough to accept the truth,
and change our patriarchal need for control?
Can we...? Look at congress, kicking and screaming their way into the future,
acting like 2 year olds....
the same attitude that kept the catholic church covered up,
the same that protected Sandusky.
but what do I know?
I'm just a crazy radical feminist...
(138,725 posts)to do what should be done.
(3,794 posts)in my thoughts
THe childhood of EARTH has ended, we grow up now, or lose the planet
I hope we grow up
(13,433 posts)"...A Roman Catholic church official has been convicted of child endangerment but acquitted of conspiracy in a groundbreaking clergy-abuse trial in Philadelphia.
Monsignor William Lynn was found guilty on one count of endangering the welfare of a child. He was also found not guilty on the second count of endangering the welfare of a child and not guilty of one count of conspiracy.
As for Father James Brennan, there is a hung jury on one count of attempted rape and a hung jury for endangering the welfare of a child..."
(2,185 posts)A patriarchal bulwark if there ever was one...
Will the priests see jail?
I doubt it.
They will be spirited out of the country,
into the sanctuary of the vatican.
And the pope/bishops will continue to blast the Obama administration
for their 'anti-religious' bias....
Of course... it's religion as they define it.
Not as we define it.
(138,725 posts)and confirms my satisfaction with the jury system: They do their honest best.
(657 posts)Sandusky and the church have been doing this for years. Truths from the past are coming out, I've noticed alot coming out this week. The CIA info prior to 9/11, things with the churches, I can't remember off hand but truths in alot of countries are coming to light. I am ready to deal with it and grow from it. Let's go!!!
(13,433 posts)He's not just guilty he's REALLY guilty!
I can't celebrate this, but I will shed no tears for him. I hope this will bring some closure for those poor boys he hurt so badly. Sometimes justice really is done.
I can't celebrate this, but it feels like things can be set right. I was abused, slightly physically mostly psychologically. And this is a step forward. People aren't shying away and coming down instead on the people who should be brought down. I saw people like this get away with this for too long. It's a start.
(3,621 posts)anymore. Sandusky is no longer smiling.
What I'd like to understand is what made him act out in such monstrous ways.
(13,433 posts)I've thought about that since this broke in the news. What level of spiritual devastation allows for those behaviors? While I mourn for those he victimized, I also feel that Sandusky has probably endured much in his life that brought him to this point. Even if you take away the soul sickness at what he's done--the pain he's created in so many lives--I'm wondering what other horrible things haunt that man. Truly a horrible thing.
I suspect that forgiveness or even understanding will be elusive concept for many people in all of this.
(2,185 posts)heck, when the truth rears it's head, in this time and place,
its knock back time.
But when I got up this morning, there was this great
sense of relief.
I had been really down on Pennsylvania,
but today I'm proud.
Prosecutors in any other state or time
could have thrown back the veil of secrecy
but it took this moment.
Thank you to the divine for giving us the collective strength
and courage to face this.
May healing begin.
And may this moment spread to other areas of
deceit and domination.
(3,747 posts)because it happened.
Could it be that since Philadelphia was the home of democracy, the cleansing begins there?
And btw, I don't believe in coincidence. I think it's the Pluto/Uranus dance. Rick and the other astrologers can give you detailed, but that's what Rick says is in the air, and it's about time it's happening. Maybe we have reached the apex and the pendulum will swing. Maybe 20/12/2012 will be that marker?
But if the planet is to survive, changes must occur and getting rid of perverts in power is a good beginning. May * and co end up in the Hague.