Mango, a rather small Indian man
living in a small village outside Bombay, had the most unique gift of making others feel the most extraordinary joy.
All he had to do was graduate his grin into his fantastic laugh. A laugh , or a cackle that chickens and hyenas envy, a rolling sort of hilarity, that touched everyone within earshot.
Story alert: Jump In Anyone to continue...

(3,794 posts)he had spent so many years alone near the Ganges? People said he had strange, even phenomenal abilities.
He didn't speak much. But his eye contact, his eyes....
(13,433 posts)It was said that he taught the gods to laugh and the waters how to sing. It was also told that he knew the secrets of life and would share them for the price of a smile or a song.
One day a traveler happened upon Mango as he sat by the river...
(653 posts)living in a small village outside Sacramento, has the ...................
It's amazing how much joy and happiness a simple smile and laugh can bring to people. Mine has taken me and everyone around me to great heights. Several decades ago I played Santa at a local store, the workers had a tough time getting anything done, they we're usually doubled over in laughter, some of the kids, not so much.
Now back to your regularly scheduled program, "Mango".
Mango had been raised by a tribe on the edge of the forest but disappeared for years at a time. Could he have been
raised by the forest animals? Or devas? There was something about the way he walked, or, ggg, gl, glided!
(5,198 posts)and rumors about Mango's cave. It was said that when he came out of his cave he would be glowing brightly, talking to the animals and plants in a language only they could understand.
(8,423 posts)What they understood about Mango was enchanting in of itself. And at that certain time of night...when nocturnal animals come out to play, to just BE, pulled by some invisible fingers of whispering patchouli and spicier notions, why even the fireflies had a different glow, there was a big secret among them.
(3,794 posts)that they had been getting brief shadowy glimpses of the other tribe down by the banks of the river...
Mango belonged to the Munumuni tribe, a brave warrior sect, but this other tribe looked quite different, they were taller, and...
(5,198 posts)and playing wonderful music. But lately they appeared to be preparing for something, everyone was happily collecting flowers and painting bright colors all around the village, and the smell of food cooking spread for miles.
(8,423 posts)and everywhere there were Maypoles forming and dancing, happy feet.
How Mango loved the Maypoles!
(3,794 posts)It was an old-fashioned hullabaloo with the Munumuni tribe; a regular Munumuni Woodstock.
All the caged animals were loosed, and they all enjoy their favorite drink, called yoiyoi from the schlopdule tree!
(8,423 posts)Ka-bobs, and Ka-bills!, when Mango lifted his YoiYoi drink up to quench his arid throat.
Then he knew someone had spiked the "punch".
(5,198 posts)and become small before his eyes. Then he felt transported, past stars, past planets, past galaxies--he was traveling at such a high speed yet he was full of joy--and could hear someone calling his name.
(3,794 posts)it's time for your right of passage vision quest
you'd better hurry!
(5,198 posts)
(8,423 posts)Not Zippity-Do-Dah,
but a sweet and soft landing of sorts...
Into what sounded and smelled and felt like a bit of Shangri-la-la-la...LA!
The birdsongs of heaven, the waterfalls, the lush and fragrant greenery! The gads of giant Gardenias!
Mango rubbed his eyes just to be sure of such a grand vision as he stood up from the bed of furry ferns, and smiled that delicious smile.
It WAS real.
(5,198 posts)was one--everything and everyone was connected everywhere--and celebrated with yet more joy than he had before.
(3,794 posts)Mango was drawn to a distant mountain near his village. The people called it La Magopo. No one knew what that meant. It was thought of as evil; to be kept at a distance. Strange stories surrounded its reputation. Yet, he was drawn to it. The Moon was full that night as he packed his bags with sustainables and headed direct for La Magopo, which must have been at least 20 miles away.
(8,423 posts)Mango DID wonder to himself why in the world he would want to wonder off to La Magopo...but in an instant he knew!
He had only to cock an ear in the direction of the mountain, to hear a strange harp-y type instrument playing and a woman's sweet, soulful voice right along with it!
(3,794 posts)killing cobras with his machete along the way, the sound of hte music amplified. Now he could also
hear the muffled sounds of women screaming off in the distance. What was going on?
(5,198 posts)to call for help, because now he understood why his instinct was to walk in this direction. He was being tested, and now was filled with a sense of purpose.
(3,794 posts)he saw what appeared to be 9 naked women hang upside-down from a tree limb!
(8,423 posts)Last edited Mon Jun 18, 2012, 08:36 PM - Edit history (1)
Oddly, he could still hear the faint heavenly music with a woman's voice....
What a contrast to the horrific scene, but wait...Mango squinted his eyes...
The bare ladies began to laugh. HAHAHAHEEEHEEEHEEE!
First, Mango's heart sunk in deep relief, then he wondered...
Are they laughing at me?
There was an empty jeep pulled by the side of the steep road. A sideview mirror beckoned.
Mango took a gander.
Something had changed his silky black hair into an flaming Orange BOZO BUSH!
(5,198 posts)he had to see through the illusions of life and grasp the hidden message before him. What was he supposed to do? He could feel the nature spirits around him--at least THEY answered his call--encouraging him and giving him strength. As soon as he felt himself filled with confidence the scene changed before him--and the naked women stood next to the tree upright--and their laughter rang out throughout the hills.
(3,794 posts)He bent low, but still couldn't figure out their insistences. Finally, it occurred to him, they were screaming, "RUN!"
(8,423 posts)Mango felt a fear that was the size of The Grand Canyon, or so he had heard tell.
He lunged, he leaped, he ran as fast as he could..and he could hear the trampling of something..but then, when he tried to look up to see where he was going, one of the bozo locks flung such wild, orange obstruction in front of his eyes.!
(3,794 posts)Looking below, ooops, his Bozo hair fell off and landed right on top of one of the stampeding elephants.
The elephant didn't seem to notice because it was in such a frenzy being chased by mad looking dogs, only,
only, the dogs were 8 feet high!
Oh no, what is Mango going to do? Where did these dogs come from? Where was he anyway?
(5,198 posts)he realized he did not recognize it, there was a giant moon and another smaller one, and in the distance was a giant red sun rising. How was he supposed to figure out directions, or time for that matter? So he sat and ate some nuts from the tree--and listened to all the activity below. Then he remembered having some sort of concoction, then traveling in space, and now he realized what he had to do.
(3,794 posts)reached into one of his frontpacks, and pulled out a respirator: ah, much better...
(8,423 posts)"Come down from there, CoCo- NUT!"
What a strange sound, this dialect? Mango understood English, but this was peculiar, highly irregular..
Certainly the tree was too thick with the greenest of leaves to view.
" I assure you, I cannot see you...yet, but you must know, I am Mango, not Coconut."
Silence and then a weird breathing sound... "Even better, I'm hungry either way!"
There's nothing like fear to truly wake a person up, and Mango thought he was going to be able to least a little before the next event!
A violent shaking, limbs trembling, and a White Tiger's PAW , both terrifying and bombshell beautiful, all at the same time,swiped at Mango and missed him by a centimeter.
(3,794 posts)"Get away!" "Get away!" The tiger lunged again but this time Mango was ready and jabbed his knife
deep into the tigers eyesocket, as the tiger fell in one big thump.
(8,423 posts)And then he began to chuckle, no guffaw, that crazy little laugh, as he thought to himself, " I really dig these online daggers!"
(3,794 posts)he had is Iphone with him, so he logged into, "The Democratic Underground" to see what was up?
(5,198 posts)amazed and his world began to spin again! What was going on? His vision quest was being written by mysterious beings he did not know!
(3,794 posts)It made no sense to him at all. So, he typed into his inter-galactic-browser: "Where in the hell am I?"
(5,198 posts)was the cryptic response, 'All is One and we are all in this together--everyone is connected somehow.' it read. After a few minutes of elaborate and satisfying curses, Mango descended the tree, nodding to the deceased tiger sprawled on the ground, 'I guess you are part of this dream too, old buddy' and he took off again, hearing yet more strange and exotic sounds from the jungle all around him.
(8,423 posts)Mango was once again transported to the first path that produced that wonderful woman's voice.
It was louder, but still sweet, and he KNEW that he had to follow,follow!
(3,794 posts)Some of the footprints were exceedingly large!
(8,423 posts)on the DU about "creepy giant footprints recently discovered in India".... as the horrifying facts sprang lively in memory.
A chill, a chill, I tell you, was tingling up and down Mango's thin and sweaty spine!
(3,794 posts)some folks in them thare parts thought Mango was an anorexic Sasquatch!? Boy, were they confused?
And for some odd reason, he only brushed his uppers.
(8,423 posts)he vowed to never, ever brush his lowers again! Instead he enjoyed a harmonious flossing ritual with the finest of tea tree oiled threads that he purchased every other Saturday at the Main market. Happy with his purchase, he would chuckle that chuckle, and folks would either gather and gawk or run for the hills. Which also made Mango laugh!
But E-Gads!
Mango was so confused as to the viscosity of his thought de-railings!
He needed to pay attention to....
Ahhh and there it was again, the shangri-la-la lady's magnificent vocal harping, a wonderful kind of madness to his tethered soul!
He stopped to rest on a rock to take it all in...the jasmined evening so sweet as well.
(3,794 posts)As he rubbed his tummy.
(8,423 posts)he hadn't known in some time. And although Mango was a very modestly paid man for the special crafts he made with his many wovens, he was fed well enough with at least one and a half meals a day, spread throughout the hours to comfort his solar plexus, but then FRIENDS, friends, they always brought in such pot luck treasures.. He closed his eyes and dreamed of the curried soups, and then there was a whoosh! as a speeding car sped by...up the hill towards the Shangri-la-la lady's general whereabouts..
Through the red dust clouds, Mango spied a familiar vehicle...
(3,794 posts)that he bumped his head real hard on the roof! "My."
"Say, isn't that one of those ole Karmann Ghias?" It was! Funny.
"I've heard of this place before, some kind of Sangria La.... or something fruity like that."
"Who was that long-haired blonde driving about 95! What's the hurry lady?"
(5,198 posts)and realized something....every time he ate something he time traveled. Now he wasn't in the jungle anymore. This was a modern place, with blinking lights, smells of food and...was that a flying car?
(8,423 posts)He thought they looked really soft, too soft...moist and fruity almost.. What in God's name was happening to him?
He saw a woman..close, very close to him. Her face... very red and pimply, juicy.
"Er...can I help you?"
" Yes, please come with me..Jump with me now."
"Jump?..What? ..WhO are you?"
"I'm Strawberry."
Mango looked around..Everything seemed off scale. Size and scope unreal... His feet seemed to feel a countertop like material, like granite, maybe.. He saw an enormous paring knife.
There was a big pitcher with buttons..
Mango gasped and felt his heart beat so fast he couldn't breathe.
A giant Human came closer.
"Mango, jump with me now!" Strawberry pleaded.
The Giant Human bellowed to another Giant Human:
"I'm making you a Mango and Strawberry shake!"
(3,794 posts)"Where are we going to a big enough straw?!"
(8,423 posts)seemed to magically transport him, he decided to do something terribly violent and so he bit Strawberry on the arm. Just enough to ingest a bite. The shriek she made was something horrible, and all the while there was a new whoosh and push to the new reality, Mango had to admit, that Strawberry tasted very nice, indeed.
Before he opened his eyes to the quantum-ness of his jumping, he made sure his body was safe and secure touching first his face and then his torso area...
(3,794 posts)"Hell, I feel like I'm in two places at once! How can that be?"
He no longer knew for sure, he was uncertain: was he made of particles for waves?
Did he ever know where he was and exactly how fast he was traveling?
He was really getting confused and he couldn't get that taste of that strawberry out of his mouth.
(5,198 posts)'Hey this parallel universe stuff is fun--I think I'm getting the hang of it now!' And with that he went back to his most favorite place, where the Munumuni Woodstock was going on. By the time he arrived, it was a giant gathering of so many of his extended family--and friends he hadn't seen in years!! They were dancing, eating and drinking their favorite brews (of which there were many!) and soon he met eyes with a very old and dear friend, who was already extending a cup to him, with a deep and loud belly laugh...
(3,794 posts)a fun, stout old dude he met at the REAL WOOODSTOCK! "Say, how ya doing ole fella!" They rejoiced at their
reunion and told old stories of being naked, sliding in the mud and getting high."
Then, Mango asked him, "Say, what is this firefly show you got going on in that tiny glass paperweight?!"
Weevy, "That's no paperweight, we're looking down on to the original Burning Man festival! Back through time!"
Mango, "What a groove!"
(8,423 posts)Mango wondered why his skin felt so soft, why his eyes sparkled so, and why he had the distinct smell of Sensomilian(sp?) you know, skunk weed! Or maybe it was Belizian?
He hadn't smelled those smells in yars!
(5,198 posts)Greevy took a long walk, and reminisced about their life adventures. Mango was especially interested in Weevy's stories of time travel--and that he had been doing this for years! They relaxed on a grassy hill overlooking the festivities, smelling--all--of the delicious smells--and then Weevy explained his discovery....
(8,423 posts)with all my recent observations and adventures, and I don't know if I'll ever see home again, or my sweet village folks...and yet I don't seem to care! Am I in heaven? Are you WG for real?..Help me relax into this reality and please, please...offer me the landscape of your finest, truest moments of this life on Earth!"
And Mango stopped speaking and closed his eyes.
(3,794 posts)It wasn't like He walked. He was beautiful, but somehow seemed ageless.
He said, "Why is it you struggle so? Do you think you should be elsewhere? Are not all things in perfect order?
Am I in the right place? Can I be somewhere else? Can't you see that this is all yours? Your own creation?"
Mango said, "Well, it's all so confusing, one moment I think I have it together then the next I think I'm going crazy! What is your name anyway?"
"They are known to call me Zar."
"Zar, where are we, how did we get here?"
Mango, "Well, I dunno, one moment I was daydreaming, and the next thing I new, poof!"
Zar: "Well, Mr. Mango, if you can't control your mind or intentions, who can?"
(8,423 posts)Everything WAS perfect. He looked at Zar, and the white light from his essence, his supreme being-ness was profoundly calming and beautiful...
Mango couldn't really make out his surroundings anymore...everything blended into something so easy,
Because he couldn't figure it out he decided to do what he always did, and busted out into a Buddha like belly laugh,far more surreal than any basic exercise he'd learned from laughter yoga class(and he'd learned from the Master- Dr. KATARIA!) and felt himself tilting back further and further into space....time meant nothing...for all Mango knew, he could've laughed for all of eternity...maybe in fact he WAS Laughter....
in the hearts of every living soul on Earth!
Dogs, too because they laugh with their tails!!!!
Ahhh! Indeed what a day what a day what a day!
(5,198 posts)When he opened his eyes, there was a bubble floating from where he was. He followed it and noticed it had something in it ---another world was inside!! It was swirling with color and light, and when he got closer he could hear echoes of his laughter and realized this sound he made was making another world....he paused to reflect on this, and what this might actually mean....
(3,794 posts)Finally, and slowly, glimpses of normal realtity started to intersperse with this strange dream world he had been in.
Lightly, slowly, eventually, Mango started to finally realize: he was coming down off of his intake of ayawaska
in this hut in Peru.
Damn, no wonder his stomach felt so bad and EMPTY! He was hungry!
(8,423 posts)surprisingly came up to practically bite him in the butt! How he could go through all these changes and somehow recall an obscure recipe that only the culinarilly geekified could muster was beyond the broad scope of his beady feeling brain!
But wait,Mango began reasoning... why scramble for the ingredients however, or wherever he was, when in fact time was helping the effects wear off..Stranger still, was his insistence on pulling down his pants to moon the moon! He began to howl like a hellcat, and then when Mango's voice got hoarse, he decided to switch gears and fart Swanee River through all the verses!
(3,794 posts)which WAS going along just fine, rhythmically, etc. Now, we just had to lower ourselves to
body belching and oozing sounds.
Take two: as we were saying, the Mysterious Mango and group of friends, when we last
left them, were approaching the beach with the old time surfboards....
We now resume your regular broadcasting schedule
(5,198 posts) that the wind---was blowing in the most auspicious direction, Mango was kind of relieved. He had so much to express, he had been bursting with such joy-- it seemed impossible to explain it all in mere words!! He found himself standing knee deep in the surf with his friends and his surfboard, looking up at the sky, and was relieved that the stars looked familiar again. Aaaah, the water felt so good and he loved surfing, the waves were picking up now, it was a Full Moon--so it was tradition that they head out to catch the biggest wave.

(8,423 posts)Mango wondered why his bum stung so! What happened last night? Why are my friends looking at me like I'm some pond-scum uncoothe (sp?) person? But lo and behold, there was laughter,laughter and more laughter...
Mango broke out in a smile...
"Tell me my friends..why does my bottom hurt so? Was I spanked?"
(5,198 posts)'No Mango--you were just laughing out of your other end!!' Just then they all caught the biggest wave, and while being lifted up up up into the highest peak of it, they all realized--it was all telepathically experienced--that the whole world was laughing with them. The stars were beaming smiles, the ocean was sighing a hahaha splashing sound, and the trees on the beach were waving in consent. What a moment of pure joy, and they all just drank it in.
(3,794 posts)well I mean, sorta manifested in place and said, I have a story I have to tell you:
"You see, for the longest time, I have been assigned by the Highest Intergallactic Council" to keep my eye on you
earthlings and thousands of other, what you call planets. We were initially quite impressed with your inventiveness
and industry.
However, lately, we started to, how you say, lose some faith in your race. My council actually has the old-fashioned ability
to "tune-in" to your television networks. We have done so extensively and I must say have come across an individual on
your screens that astounds and alarms us. He is big fat man who speaks as if he were the only volcano in history...
he leans forward as if to give you no choice but to allow his goo to stick to your braincells...
he seems to have no respect whatsoever for anybody or anything.
Hmmm... we have pondered long and hard what to "do" with this being.
What else is peculiar is this golden microphone he has in front of him...."
(8,423 posts)exclaimed Mango!
"I know the buffoon you are referring to...But just now the kitty has my tongue!
Always in a hurry...Limpballs!...yes I'm almost certain that is the name the men at the main cafe were speaking of. There was a big tv there. I peek in myself occasionally...but my he was as bloated as you report. There are no easy pants in the world that would be comfortable to contain his hate. Yes indeed, I know the fellow!"
(5,198 posts)Zar explained, and sat through endless complaints from around the Galaxy, from representatives who now realized where these terrible vibrations were coming from! Their crops were failing, wars were breaking out, and the light beings were leaving in droves to areas where these vile broadcasts would not reach...and this was not easy! To think--that one person with a microphone could do so much damage!! This Earthling had to be stopped.
Solutions varied, from sending him to the Chamber of Echoes, where every utterance is repeated endlessly, to sending back in time aboard the Titanic but filling it full of clowns and jesters....the ideas being presented became more and more imaginative!
(8,423 posts)and almighty Zar, a glimmering,glistening guffaw ensued! He held onto the bottom of his feet and rolled back and laughed himself once more into oblivion, but felt ashamed to be laughing at a rather serious discourse.
So he practiced silent laughter...shhhhh....
Still, all eyes fell upon Mango...
(3,794 posts)Last edited Fri Jun 29, 2012, 05:54 PM - Edit history (1)
Mr. Limpballs was to be sentenced to 100 years in the Chamber of Echoes, where no matter what he said, robots said
It freaking drove him mad.
Thank God
(8,423 posts)His friends LAUGHED,
The Counsel LAUGHED,
And the woman that was singing in the other universe,...well her voice grew louder.....
(5,198 posts)--they really couldn't stop running out of reasons to celebrate (although they were running out of of brew), so Mango decided to go on a beer run with Weevy Greevy. They decided to visit relatives to the South they had not seen in awhile who owed them for the last seasonal celebration--when they drank up all the beer in just one night. In fact--he hadn't seen his southern kin for quite some time, come to think of it...
But before they left on their trip, Zar re-materialized, and didn't look good at all--"Now we're hearing more reports of deviant Earthling broadcasts--apparently this fat fellow is not the only one who is causing crop failures! There are people who call themselves Fox and this crazy man Beck--I just came for a quick mug of beer--I suspect more room has to be made in the echo chamber!"
And with that, he grabbed the last mug from Weevy and disappeared with a crackle and pop.
(8,423 posts)"I really like that Zar fellow.....even if he has stolen our last beer-ski! HA!...But just up the hill a ways is another lil place that would be glad to package up some homemade brew for us that I know you will enjoy!"
"Oh, good!"
And that Weevy Greevy was a curious fellow indeed. Mango found himself admiring his silvery locks hoping that when his hair began to whiten, that it would look as good. And as this thought entered his head...he wondered if the ashwanda that had befallen him previously had given him a few gay attributes?? ..HAHAHAHA! Mango laughed to himself...and then NAAAAAAAA!
" What, what? You must share your private joke, my friend!"
" No, No, it's totally silly!...No, my friend, Listen...I have been curious for some time...You were THERE!...What was it like to be so close to really and truly, at that time...The Center Of The Universe!"???
As they were just about to be merely yards away from Shuni's microbrewery...Mango began skipping like a young child approaching a toy store!...
As the curvy waitress bagged their order of Calhoun's Caboose,a name that most would certainly think originated in some southern US state, the two friends decided to take a load off and plopped down upon the outdoor cafe stools.
" Ahhh...Mango, my friend..are you asking me about Woodspock?"
"HEHEHEHEHE! Most assuredly!..."
Popping open a really artic one, Weevy Greevy slammed down a most glorious gulp, let out a n
ahhhh, and sighed with a distant dreamy look capturing his face.
(3,794 posts)it didn't care if it was cooth or coothless, he was happy.
Surrounded by good friends in this faraway saloon, what else could a hologram ask for?
Actually, it's senseless for a hologram to ask for anything, except maybe perhaps little bit of light.
A little shine.
(8,423 posts)Light began bouncing on and through every conceivable thing and also some inconceivable things! But that woman's wasn't going away... tinkling like a faraway grand piano on a lavender throne of stars!...Mango could almost make out the he cocked his ear, and Weevy Greevy actually saw them enlarge and turn bright violet!
Mango said, ''Listen, my friend! Can you HEAR that?"
(3,794 posts)"What?".... "I don't hear nuffin...."
(8,423 posts)Exclaimed Mango smacking his lips apart as if aghast! But still, he was smiling and chuckling!
Mango reached over and pulled out the ear candles from WG's ear canals! Obviously left unremoved from his wellness center appointment earlier.
"Silly Greevy!"
(3,794 posts)"Huh?"
(5,198 posts)in the tavern wall, and suddenly his hearing was fine--whew! Now they drank their beer and planned the rest of their trip. Weevy forgot his story, they were tired and decided to pack it in for the night. The Moon was nearly Full--it would be tomorrow, which would be great for traveling and camping.
(3,794 posts)was he forgeting something? Knife...check. Rope...check. Extra water... check.
He found a brown knapsack, it was empty, hmmm, what was supposed to be in it?
(8,423 posts)Mango stopped in his slightly ahead tracks..
"What's wrong?"
"Oh, I've misplaced my favorite book!"
"No worries..I doubt we will have time to read!"
" It was a book of great guidance."
" My friend, I use the best navigational tool ever designed! You will not need your book."
" But-But-this book is different.."
"Okay, I'll help you look for it...I can see you are truly lost without it."
Weevy smiled, and Mango's chuckle turned into a full-throated cackle, the likes of which would make certain women's clubs jealous!
The moon was cooperating and the clouds slid to the side just so..
"Oh, I've got something here.. Is this it? ... kind of a dark cover...looks like a picture of a diamond!"
"Yes, that's it! Ahh Sweet!"
Mango's eyes searched the gleaming paperback..
" Okay, it's settled. When we find a place to camp...I'll read it outloud to you!"
(3,794 posts)"Here it tis, my liquor flask, oh heavens to murgotroid!"
(5,198 posts)they wandered all day south, through the thick forest of giant oaks and when they reached the pine barrens they knew that this was a good place to rest. Their relatives lived on the other side of crystal falls. When it was very quiet, Mango imagined he could hear the water already. It was a beautiful place and he looked forward to seeing it again. The Sun was setting soon and Full Moon was due to come up--and just then a whole group of asteroids crossed the sky. But were they really asteroids?
(8,423 posts)Didn't Mango have a frightened look on his face?!
Was it the coming moonlight or was his hair going gray!?
He pulled from his pocket a glowing green and violet stone, and pressed it hard betwixt his nimble fingers. Closing his eyes, he let out a heavy, heavy sigh!
(3,794 posts)had given him that. And Harriet always said, "In times of trouble, press this stone in your hand... And send your wishes to the stars..." So, that's exactly what Mango did. And everytime Mango did so....
(8,423 posts)The people nearby began to LAUGH!
When Mango realized what had happened...he snickered to himself(Snicker Doodle that he was)!
And the powerful giggling spell that was effecting others caused him to pause, and really and truly assess his powers, and he would stop and go with it only to realize that it wasn't always the spectacular glowing stone that caused the massive guffaws!
And then something even stranger began to happen!
(5,198 posts)to the South in the direction where they were going. Mango held onto his stone and it grounded him well. He felt happy and did not even worry about the colorful glow he was seeing. He rather enjoyed it.
(3,794 posts)until it took up the whole sky
the sky parted as if curtains were being pulled back
and to his gigantic disbelief, there stood a huge, black .....
(8,423 posts)Holding a tea kettle behind his back! Grinning, you know, that famous grin!
Oh how Mango's mouth dropped.
" Dang, are we hallucinating....or is it past our spiritual teatime?"
Weevy looked at Mango as if he were insane, but...
(8,423 posts)Mango had a sudden recollection of a very strange acquaintance he had haphazardly met on the east side of Bombay that loved to boast about browsing the coastlines bearing BLACK in the midday heat of any given August day.
Why the thought of such a crazy thing, made Mango burst out into a sweat!
And why he would remember such a time, such a character, made Mango cock his head in such a way that he was completely askew of the view of the giant Buddha.
(3,794 posts)and I started re-reading Siddhartha last night after 42 years - the first book I read that started me on my "search"
vat a coincidence
(8,423 posts)
(5,198 posts)about walking on a beach last night)
Mango and Weevy were such in awe of the Budda in the sky that they stopped what they were doing and went into a meditation. They heard a hum around them and could see in all directions at once.
(8,423 posts)That's so cool and acts as a relaxant!..I must also say in our lil break, that this story has kept it together so swimmingly, more than any other story that has preceded, and some of the posts are keepers just by themselves! Thanks Felix and Rick! )
(8,423 posts)reported, Weevy," I never knew it could be so beautiful."
(3,794 posts)he was strumming his little guitar and humming to himself...
"Gonna take up to a spirit in the sky (when I die) when I die and they lay me to rest
gonna be me, buddha and a big piece a pie (piece a pie)......................
(8,423 posts)Mango smiled that unforgettable smile..., "You astonish me all at once, and then so much again at these peaceful intervals....I wished I hadn't lost my Ukulele in that unfortunate wager I had with the midget from Peru, otherwise I'd lend a harmony"
(3,794 posts)"Just whistle real loud and bang real hard on the firmest thing you can find!"
(8,423 posts)and pulled out his once lost recorder!
"I'm sorry Weevy, I can't whistle!"
Mango was energized and began playing his recorder as if he had been doing so all his life!
It was a light-hearted upbeat sound until the wind picked up from the darkening skies..
(3,794 posts)popped her head out of her hut nearby, and screamed, "Who's making all the damn noise out there!"
"Can't a woman get her beauty rest around here! Carnations!"
(5,198 posts)oh never mind, thought Weevy. He and Mango were caught up in the music, and started to dance with so much joy, that the old woman could not stop her feet from moving. Then her legs started to step to the beat, and her hips started to shake in a wave of motion that continued up her body until she was swishing her white hair in her own ecstatic dance. She couldn't remember the last time she just let go and dance like this, and it felt so healing and fun. She felt young and happy, and it seemed to her the day was suddenly more colorful too--everything around her seemed to be celebrating along with her....
(8,423 posts)Twirling and twining into a tippy-toe-d ballet move of sorts and then suddenly busting a move much like any upstanding soul dancer, Mango exclaimed, "Yeah, Baby, that's what I'm talking about..let it loose, honey-pie!"
And to think a moment ago, the old woman was unhappy. And to think a moment ago, she was also old!
No longer white-haired, she now had very illustrious stawberry blonde tresses!
(3,794 posts)"Get your old ass out here! You gonna sleep all day and rot!"
Herbert, a haggard ole cuss appeared at the door and said, "Ah, you're all a bunch a nutcases. I gotta get myself back to the Mayberry reruns, I just love that ole Barney".
Herbert was finishing his 5th fried bologna and bacon sandwiches. "MMMMMMmmmmmmmm" it just always hit the spot for him. He was hoping he'd have enough energy later for the bowling league. He'd been on the same team for a record 57 years. Never did break 200 though. The name of his team was the "Bean Bombers". No one could remember where that name came from, but on some nights, they had an idea.
(8,423 posts)
When Herbert looked up to see the new ooh lala of his former old bag, he rubbed his eyes to test them.
(3,794 posts)"Hell, that hurts my backbone just thinkin about that!" "She must be wearin a wig or somethin."
(8,423 posts)and knew the sky would soon produce something wicked. He had something he knew would work in this situation where danger was knocking. He needed to think about where to herd the group, and considered where the infamous bowling alley might be. But this thing he could do involved stopping time...
(3,794 posts)everybody started screaming, and running around
general Panic!
They didn't even know which bowling alley or where it was!
(Hell, this is better than Falling Skies)
(8,423 posts)everything slows down and looks like those stop action 3D commercials, really handy for Ninjas, and general unbelievable stuff, Mango lifted his arms out with fingers spread apart about to produce.. something, while at the same time that mysterious woman's voice, Mango had insisted he kept hearing scratched across the sky like it was being etched into reality, AND the oddity of hearing the exceptional electric sax climax from Low Spark of High Heeled Boys, seemed to echo, echo! WHew!
Well...Mango blinked in disbelief but was still feeling the power electrify through his nimble palms, and just as time sped up to itself, the old bag turned babe and Weevy...
(3,794 posts)would spend the night in the love-hut down the beach. No one could find out. Her position on the Board of Trustees for the Blind could be jeopardized, but her lust over-rode her better sensibilities. She could hear the voice too, off in the distance...
It said something about a sale at WalMart, she couldn't quite understand... off to her evening attire!
(8,423 posts)whip her and Weevy away! But wait! Mango stretched his hands the way a maestro would at a fine orchestra, and wouldn't you know it...everyone froze!
Not ice-wise, but nice wise!
The storm stopped, the butterflies continued to flit, everyone seemed to be growing younger, everyone looked at one another with LOVE! Everyone WAS LOVE...Birds chirped.
And then it began, Mango's famous laugh!
Of course it was continuing contagious...until the Board of Trustees for the Blind found Herberrt's new ol' bag with Weevy!
(3,794 posts)It's just freaking amazing! No matter what happens in this story, we bypass the bowling alley, and we end up
in a Laughter Yoga Party.
What's in the punchbowl anyway?
(8,423 posts)is filled with JOY and MIRTH and Merry-making, you know like at the Renaissance Faire!
Mango noticed that despite his frolicking hilarity, the storm came alive again...and then alright already, the neon lights to the bowling alley were visible, and Weevy and the new old bag were making out near the silver sage bushes.
...and it was free beer night!
(3,794 posts)where Weevy's total score was 209, he had just too many beers.
The new old bag was looking real good to him by now.
They had to keep lining Weevy up on the proper lane, "O thankee thankee it luks lika dat ovver one ovr dare!"
Gutter ball after gutter ball, Weevy started to tire of bowling even at their discount price.
"What says uze and meees goz bak ta my place and lissssssssen to som aBBAbbarbbbabbabbbbadaba?"
"I just luvz dat Dancin Kweeenie....nice lukkin chiks tooooo!"
(8,423 posts)said, "My first night out with a different guy in thirty years!..and what do I get? Another drunk!!"..., just as Weevy passed out with a pitcher of beer still in his hand.
Meanwhile, the storm was still drumming on the rooftop while Mango lounged on the hard plastic benches of the bowling alley, pondering and fingering the ball holes, really trying hard to understand what kind of tool was used to make such perfection, when suddenly...
Something terribly, terribly loud came crashing on the building....Ashes, smoke and debris flew through the air like out of work acrobats, and 99 cent airline flights, and when reality became visible again, there it was again, The Giant, Black Buddha!!
(3,794 posts)"What is it this time? What do you want?" Averting his nose from how foul his rental shoes were. "Whew?"
The roof was gone, water was splashing everywhere, Buddha knocked over all the pins getting the highest
score possible in the history of bowling as he said, "I was just havin a little fun!"
(8,423 posts)Mango exclaimed, and for some reason Mango's outrage brought Weevy around, plus all the heavy debris clobbering him sober, helped a bit...
And then the strangest thing happened...
(3,794 posts)to see if they fit. Couldn't do it. He asked, "Where's the nearest Wal Mart?
I'm tired of getting thorns in my feet. Just because I have bliss in my head doesn't mean my feet are okay. People don't know how I suffer!"
(8,423 posts)shrieked the New Old Bag, "Honey, forget Wally-World, there's a Big And Tall shop not three blocks down from the Picadilly Indian Cafe- ova' dare!" She pointed...but just as she directed a claw, a HAGGING began to come over her....what was once hot and voluptuous had now turned to a strange graying, like the way charcoals look at the bottom of a BBQ PIT..
In shock, everyone looked away, except for the BUDDHA.
(3,794 posts)"I guess her karma has caught up with her."
(8,423 posts)But with a hangover head the size of Montana, everything hurt, and now his visuals were beyond troubling, that is, when he would let any light come into the slivers that were his eyes.
He truly didn't know what was more disturbing...the old crony wearing his woman's clothes,or The big Black Buddha practically sitting on him.
Judas Priest!
(3,794 posts)"Life is full of suffering... do not suffer my friend... it is not real... your pain is an illusion... your heavily swollen tongue is an illusion... pray to the Almighty and soon you'll be able to swallow again my Dearest.
Who needs to eat and drink, only the carnal!"
Weevy said, "Christ, are you kidding me?!"
Buddha, "No, Mr. Weevy, you are confusing me with another prophet, I am The Buddha!"
(8,423 posts)"Wait," pleaded Mango... it's going to be alright..don't you see it's a miracle?"
"No, I think someone seriously spiked my drink...and I'm gonna beat the $%^& outta who did it!"
"WEEVY! RELAX! ....I thought you used to be a clown, for how you say, pete's sake!"
(3,794 posts)"What are you talking about?"
(8,423 posts)Mango soothed, " We're still alive!!!..and secondly, my friend, your ears have been blessed by the words of Buddha. He spoke to YOU!!!"
(3,794 posts)he didn't have to make such a dramatic entrance just for a freakin pair of bowling shoes, did he?"
"He should have tried Sandals-Direct"
(8,423 posts)Oh, Weevy, you are ill, you are crabby, you must be hungry.. come let's wipe the Big Stink off the day and get you something to eat, and we shall pause for nourishment at the monstrous bowling sho-ed feet of our Buddha and try to think of something inspirational to ask him.. Afterall, don't you want to know the answers to all your most pressing questions..?"
Just then Herberrrt managed to show up. His pot belly, in all it's glory almost matched the girth of The Black Buddha.. not only that...Herberrt was wearing a grass skirt!
(5,198 posts)but this time he looked a bit off. 'What's up?' asked Weevy. "Well a group of seriously serious people are on the loose, trying to shut down our laughing group--we were laughing so hard, the Black Buddha appeared in the sky! I don't know whether to laugh, or chuckle, or just smirk to myself about this whole thing.'
He took out the yoooohoooo newspaper and showed it to Weevy, 'What are we going to do, we are the original Merry Pranksters!'
Laughter group forced to stop
Wed, Jul 11, 2012 - Odd News 2:15 | 30,846 views
A laughter club in Mumbai, India was told to keep it quiet by local authorities after neighbors complained that the noise was causing "mental agony, pain and public nuisance." Laughter groups in Mumbai have existed since the mid 1990's as a way to help boost mental health. The police force has been court ordered to keep track of the situation as a legal case proceeds.
(8,423 posts)"WHo?..For real?? The man himself??...okay, sure I'll talk to him..."
Mango had a grin the size of the Mississippi, and no wonder with the news of the Master himself, Dr. Madan Kataria!
"What's going on?" Weevy asked.
"The Laughter Yoga Master wants to talk to MEE!" HEHEHEHHAHAHAHHOHOHO!
" Alll this laughin' is not helping my head!"
"Wait. (Mango held out a finger like a "Shhhh"
(3,794 posts)"OH YEAH? What the hell is the matter with all of you mother******s? Can't a guy laugh around here? Isn't the Buddha jolly?"
The crowd was stirring as the big Po-lice vans pulled into position with guns leveled. Over the loudspeaker, all could here, "All right now, all of you'd better pipe down! And I mean NOW! Where do you think you are, in the Mardees Graws? I ain't given any of you any beads of no size whatsoever even if you do flash me a boob or two or even three! You'd better back up and quiet down!" (Sound of a gaggle of Geman Shepherds growling and bearing their teeth.
"The good people of this here hamlet has to get up in the morning, and you noise-makers just don't seem to give a hoot!"
(5,198 posts)like a crackle (or was it a deep laugh?), the clouds were such an odd shape everyone stopped what they were doing. Weevy paused just as he was taking another drink, and Herberrrt's grass skirt blew off to reveal his usual psychedelic speedo. You could only see the toes of the Buddha--but it didn't matter--everyone started to---laugh. It started slowly and then grew louder and louder. The wind seemed to blow all of the seriousness away, the po-lice lowered their guns, and the dogs began to play with each other.
Mango, Weevy and Herberrrt watched the po-lice begin to disperse, they suddenly seemed to have something else to do. The Buddha did not ever make a full appearance, only the power of his toes seemed to inspire happiness in everyone. And then Mango recognized one of his long lost cousins from the South. 'Where have you all been? We haven't seen you in ages!'
His cousin Goosley looked him straight in the eye, 'You mean you haven't heard? We made the most amazing discovery, and it changed our lives forever!!'
(8,423 posts)Mango was so very happy to see him again! And how well he looked.
"Come,come sit down here beneath the shade and tell me all about your discovery and your journey here!"
" Oh, Cousin Mango, Goosely began,"little Mango!...not so young anymore!"
" I still can't believe you're here," said Mango, crossing his legs and making Namaste with his hands.
" I traveled very, very far on so little to eat. But I didn't need much, now that I have found....Monishtka!"
" That rare, pink cactus juice?"
" Yes, but you don't drink it... you..."
(3,794 posts)and rub it on top of your top chakra"
"Then, all of a sudden, all knowledge will be yours, including where the cheapest gas stations are located."
Goosely was a master at the real New Orleans Voodoo, being part southern and part French
"ehh ehh ehh? Vichyssoise allez-vous?"
(8,423 posts)" Well, I'll declare!"...said Mango, but he was caught off guard by the sound of his own voice. Mango sounded like a southern woman, a southern US woman!
Mango covered his mouth. He was afraid to speak another word.
"Oh," sited Goosely,"sometimes, it gets on my hands, mixes with sweat, and my associates get new vibes from my body fluids dispersing and won't last TOO alright?"
Mango suddenly took on a sideways glance...
"I've always depended on the kindness of strangers!"
Weevy certainly perked up. In fact his hangover was banished completely.
(3,794 posts)"Hell boy, I'm feelin so good, who's up for a bit a frog-giggin!? It's more fun thana skinnydippin in the shade! Yee hah!"
(8,423 posts)This time Mango even LAUGHED like an American SOUTHERNER. But then changed accents quite quickly!
Mango jumped up and BECAME a Leaper, a leapin' lizard! Proceeded to produce a top-hat and cane , and broke out in a chorus of "The Michigan Rag!"
"Hello, My Baby, Hello My...!"
(3,794 posts)and SLAPPED Mango across the face! "There you are, you son of a bitch! I've been a huntin you down for weeks now! Go off and abandon me and your little baby Butch!" Slap slap slap, "and 3 more for good measure!"
More than simply stunned, Mango was at the height of embarrassment! "Honey, well.... er... Honey, I meant to.... I mean I...." ONE MORE BIG SLAP!
(8,423 posts)Weevy and the others gasped. How could Mango speak that way to ANYONE! SOO unlike his character, but then Mango's delightful tale has been going on for over a month! Things slip and slide.
But Mango resolved to do what he always did....
But the Bitch was not amused nosiree!
(5,198 posts)he started counting backwards and realized---was it true? He couldn't have been there to be the father of Butch--he spent the last summer afar South!! Whew!! Now how could he possibly convince this mad woman? He was so happy at this realization he started to dance--and had to dance fast because he was being chased!!! 'Oh Weevy, oh Goosey--help!'
(3,794 posts)with her hands extended towards him; fingers opening and closing, as she said,
"Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, shiiiiiiiiiit, gimmee, gimmeee,,,,,y'all come back ere, y'here!"
(8,423 posts)on a boulder he never even saw before it was too late.
There are no amount of expletives to help express the pain and frustration of a Big toe injury of this magnitude, but for some reason the wise and crazy little Indian guy Mango, decided to really feel the pain and work through it, almost as if he were a Lamaze student, and his favorite drug of choice of course was, LAUGHTER...but what he did was...he just began to breathe, breathe, giggle, breathe, breathe, giggle, and he was so good at his breath, prana, that he seemed to pass a little gas along the way. A little turned into a lot, and before long, Mango became Mr. Fantastic-Poot-tastic! Oh, the green fog that ensued!
Oddly, this worked to his advantage, when he realized he was protected by an all-natural force field! Of course this made him laugh harder, and well, things, got greener.
The Big Ol Gimme woman stopped running, stopped dead in her tracks and screwed up her face as if she had just tasted a lemon!
Weevy and Goosely were trailing behind Butch's Mama, and were shocked at the giant stench. They would've dropped their jaws in amazement, but didn't dare!
(3,794 posts)"we need a plan..." So they tied Gimme Mom to a pole, and the 3 motley crue members huddled
like a football backfield.
Mango: "What are we gonna do, that chick's nuts"
Goosely: "Please don't fart in here...!"
Weevy: "I know! I've got an idea!"