OMG!!!!! LMAO!!!!!
OMG!!!!! My brother and his wife took their kids to a baby shower that was held in a local church. ......Well Hailey the little three year old found then pulled the fire alarm!!!!! HHHHHOOOOOOOOWWWWWLLLLLLL! Then when it started its Siren she tried to push it back into silence and when that didnt work She took off running!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! I'm so proud of her!!!!!! I could just squeeze the stuffin out of her! My sister in law does not feel quite the same way at the moment! snort! eveidently some of the people from the church were talking about it on over on facebook! .......I for one perscribe to the theory that wherever there are churches there should always be pulled fire alarms!!!! Go Hailey and Kaitlin you make me so proud!!!!!!

(15,888 posts)I hope those church people have a good sense of humor.
"Disorganize an organized religion" That was a good one Icymist!!!
My Brother and I call it a good start! snort!
(8,423 posts)I love this! ....You have got to be their favorite aunt. Lively, spirited Auntie HOWLER!
Those kids are obviously COOL!
(4,225 posts)They are into EVERYTHING though! We now bolt the Howlerville christmas tree in.
Kaitlin is just as funny. One Day Mom took them to MickyDs and let them play on the playground.....Well there was a kid that was a bully.
Anyways push came to shove and poor Kaitlin went down But like a good baby Howler she wasnt OUT!!!!
Has both Moms came running Kaitlin reached over and bit the Nasty kid dead in the Ankle! That was as high has she could reach being on the ground. LOL! That kid SCREAMED for all he was worth and Kaitlin wasn't letting go!!!! Good little Howler She Is!!!!!!
Yeah I always get the phone calls from Mom......Whom I just Love to pieces too. But she does seem to sweat the little stuff if you ask me.
(8,423 posts)at MickyDs always an adventure!
(657 posts)I truly believe children understand spirituality better than any adult. Sometimes, especially these days, a fire alarm may be needed. Yeah for her!!
(4,225 posts)I think my sister in law still has aspirations to social climbing in the mommy;s club.
.....Those will be collateral damage in due time. LOL!
get the red out
(13,696 posts)If you can't laugh at the antics of an active, intelligent toddler, you can't laugh.
(4,225 posts)They are so precious and funny.
I never really got the whole "Kid" thing till My nieces came along and rolled me.