I make no claim to be an astrologer
All astrology predictions or proposed explanations of referenced planetary positions with those in a horoscope at the time of an experience (physical or emotional) are opinions or theories. That is why I usually do not spoon feed readers with specifics but leave it to them to apply their own.
For those who have little or no knowledge of astrology (and for many who do) - there is no way to know to what any aspect may coordinate with. Think about the horoscopes of multiple birth siblings - twins, triplets, etc.. They have virtually the same charts but not the same experiences at the same time - getting married, having babies, suffering major injuries or illnesses and on and on. The marriage of one is a happy experience shared by all in some manner but no astrologer, without inside information, could say which one it would be or even name the event looking at the charts perhaps 3 years before. All that could really be seen in them would likely be a positive or easy or happy time in them.