(15,325 posts)May all the bad astrological vibes be directed at him
(64,267 posts)Last edited Tue Jan 19, 2021, 06:18 PM - Edit history (1)

(64,267 posts)In a positive light.
She kept hearing "intercepted."
Let's hope!
(9,988 posts)I think she's putting more of a positive spin on those cards than I would. I want to believe her, though. She's got a very reassuring presence.
(64,267 posts)Seems she did a reading a few days ago that some folks complained about, so she took it down. I did not see it.
She truly is wonderful!
I hate to admit, I had the same feeling, as if she was really reaching to put a + spin on those cards. Maybe she was looking a little deeper or listening.
(190 posts)That there are other Astro lovers here. Just a continuation of 2020. But go Aquarius. Time for change.
(308,458 posts)to be Inaugurated when the Moon is Void of Course.
(64,267 posts)Forgive my ignorance please as I am not an astrologer.
How does Moon VOC indicate that he will be inaugurated?
A pause in the insanity?
I think that's the gist of what Maryanne said.
(308,458 posts)an astrologer, either.
Just been paying attention to it since 1981.. amazing what you can pick up.
At the time Biden will be Inaugurated, 12 Noon, the Moon will still be Void of course. I've always read it's not a good time to start anything.
But I was going to reply to you on that Video post of the woman from England.. her name is Maryanne? But I got interrupted by a phone call.
I was waiting to hear if she said anything about the VOC Moon & she did.. she had more of a positive slant on it.. & I was grateful for that. I'll have to hear it again, though.
So Thank You!
(64,267 posts)Maryanne is a great reader! She posts frequently!
I think she said because there would not be any major aspects during VOC. (?)
Will Kamala's inauguration be VOC as well?
I'm sure you realize Kamala is what magats "object" to, to put it politely.
(308,458 posts)1:56pm EsT. So whenever Kamala gets Inaugurated.. It will probably be before that.
You should google VOC Void of Course Moon to get a better understanding.
(54,558 posts)it's something we never saw coming.
(64,267 posts)
(54,558 posts)SheltieLover
(64,267 posts)But kept saying she was getting strong indication it has to do with end of "fake potus 45."
Let's hope Uranus smiles on our democracy! 🤞🤞🤞
(8,242 posts)astrology, astrologers have been saying that 2020 was going to be a time of upheaval, large institutions breaking down, calamity. If one seriously follows astrology, one knows that with these huge long term upheavals (Pluto is probably at the crux of these times, and for Americans, it has to do with what is called the Pluto return --- and Pluto moves v-e-r-y slowly ---)one cannot think that one day (no matter the joy it is for us here) is going to be rainbows and lollypops. I would prefer the interpretation of an astrologer such as Robert Hand, who has a deep, vast, and long experience with astrology, who will give you the particulars of exactly how ghastly the transit could be, but also tells you how to work it for the positive. I believe that Joe and Kamala will work for the positive from the ruin we find ourselves in. And Cha, thank you for correcting the Moon to Taurus and NOT VOC!
Hand often tells a story about the astrologer to an Italian state, Bonatti, and the Duke of the state was about to have the Papal army attack his town. He asked Bonatti to draw up a chart for the event and Bonatti reported that the Papal army would overrun the state. The Duke, of course, was very upset, but Bonatti added: This is how you ultimately defeat them: since we know they're going to win (this time, at least) don't resist, leave your gates open, let them overrun the town. Leave lots of wine and food out. When the Papal army is drunk, come back and slaughter them. ... I think we are more or less in this place now. We've been overrun -- but we CAN slaughter them.And from the look of things, it seems we will be hoisting them by their own petard.
(8,242 posts)Cha
(308,458 posts)later when I can focus better!
(8,242 posts)

(308,458 posts)and Mercury is Gearing Towards Rx & that Always affects me way Before bc I have so many Planets in Virgo & Gemini!
(64,267 posts)Both are great!
(8,242 posts)tarot deck since the early 90's -- love 'em!
(64,267 posts)Love it!!!
Sharman-Burke, I believe, is also a Jungian analyst & one of my all-time fav psych authors!
(8,242 posts)Makes me happy to find a kindred spirit here.
(64,267 posts)Have you read Sally Nichols' Jung & Tarot: an archetypal journey? Fabulous!!!
(8,242 posts)

(64,267 posts)I do that, too, collect books & absorb via osmosis, since I only have 1 set of eyes.
I am really excited to have "met" a kindred spirit!