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This message was self-deleted by its author (bobnicewander) on Mon Oct 5, 2020, 03:17 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(1,606 posts)MontanaMama
(24,310 posts)Im very new at interpreting your work...but I appreciate it all the same.
(979 posts)are positive - so a happy experience is the call.
(27,430 posts)What does Biden's chart look like at that time?
A few years ago someone either here or on starlightnews looked at the charts of a bunch of ordinary people to see how they would be feeling on the inauguration, and it was an excellent way to figure out who would win.
If you want to try that, I'd be happy to PM you with my birth information.
(979 posts)I did Joe's charts using my technique long ago and did not see aspects I would want for a positive call but using a chart that is not my first choice I did come up with one I would expect to see for an inauguration. Will see if I can reproduce it.
That was me who did those charts. I still have them. I don't have the stamina I had just a few years ago when I could work hundreds of charts in a day. Now I don't do 100 in a week. I will be 80 in January.
I use a unique technique that I discovered almost 50 years ago for all of the chart work I do. After coming up with my chart for an event I then apply birth charts, birth chart progressions, eclipse charts, and sometimes transits to it.
The chart I have shown here is because I can avoid using my technique which practically nobody recognizes by using one with which most are familiar with - a secondary progressed chart.
(1,606 posts)look up the transits, aspects, and progressions that you post. I will never have the scope of knowledge that you do, but I am delighted to have you as a mentor. Thank you!
(27,430 posts)I will be 72 later on this month, and I know I haven't the stamina I used to have.
Thank you for everything you do.
(979 posts)Last edited Thu Aug 13, 2020, 02:31 AM - Edit history (1)
Using my technique it produces an anomaly in that the positive chart is gained by using natal planet positions around the technique chart rather progressed natal positions which are the norm and the angles do not provide hits as close as I would like but that might be because the birth time is from memory not from a recorded document.
The given birth time is right on the 1/2 hour. I treat times given on the hour, 1/4 hour, or 1/2 hour with suspicion.
I acknowledge that there are rare occasions when these anomalies occur but they are certainly rare. At any rate all of the indicators I would like to see for an inauguration are produced by the chart.
(1,606 posts)bobnicewander
(979 posts)Not the chart that is shown in this thread - that is Kamala's.
The technique chart is produced using the precession corrected solar or demi-solar return prior to the event then doing a precession corrected lunar or demi-lunar return prior to the event from that solar return's Moon and progressing that chart by the Moon's arc measured in right ascension from the inception of the chart to the event.
(1,606 posts)At any rate, I'm (guessing) you suspect the 8:30 am time is wrong?
(979 posts)books to read about the technique. It is my discovery. To my knowledge there is no technique that uses the Moon's movement to progress the MC of a chart.
Re" Joe's chart, the time is suspect but if within 4 to 8 minutes of being right would produce agreeable chart angles.