Someone's birthday is today...
I think..from my strained memory....Someone we know...
Could it be..???

Melissa G
(10,170 posts)
(4,225 posts)n/t
(14,717 posts)
(8,423 posts)Cuteee! Well, of course, really it's all of our birthdays...but....someone
Howler, what's a good clue??
(14,717 posts)Cuz it's ME
(4,225 posts)A new years baby! imagine that!!! So your whole life is new beginings!!!!!
Here is your Birthday forcast!,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,470/year,2012/month,01/day,01/Itemid,4/
Rain or sunshine, this day has the makings for a great day! You aim to please and you work hard to meet all the expectations of your job and your family. You do good things for many people. These things do not go unnoticed and more than a few acquaintances want to let you know that they appreciate you. A few friends will join you today and you may find this day one of the most relaxing days you have had in a long time. The party may move to a nearby sports bar for pizza and a song or two but generally this day is the perfect beginning for a great year. Now is a good time for mentally setting your goals and for creating a routine in your mind on how you will improve or maintain your physical well-being. Take a few pictures. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
And here is your Horoscope for today!!!!,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,480/year,2012/month,01/day,01/Itemid,4/
You may find yourself in a position of leadership today. This could mean that you are a spokesperson or organizer for a group of people. Others relax with you in charge and the results of your efforts are a mark in your favor. An old relationship that seems inhibiting to you is due for a change. A perfect balance between your career needs and personal needs should bring about an inner peace now that you rarely get a chance to enjoy. Neither side of you has to struggle with the other. In addition, you have a super-sensitive awareness of the moods and needs of others, making this an excellent time to run seminars or work with groups. Take some time off from slaying dragons and recharge your batteries! Uncork some champagne and share the firelight.
(6,086 posts)

In 29 days, I join you!!
(15,758 posts)HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FL! Love you muchly! Hope 2012 RAAAWKS for you!
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)and Happy New Year!!
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)May you be surrounded by Love and Light!
(31,745 posts)Bounce! Bounce! Bounce!
Emoticons won't work.
(31,745 posts)

(14,717 posts)did I ever tell you guys the story?
My parents were getting ready to go to a party at a friends house, mom wasn't due for another 10 days, until her water broke at 6pm.
They had already picked a boys name, but not a girl name, so they decided on the way to the hospital. That's why my middle name is Michelle, from the Beatles song on the radio...!
The hospitals downtown all had bets going as to who would have the first of the new year that evening, so when my parent's showed up, the doctor asked my DAD (see women had no say back then, eh?) If he wanted a New year's baby or a tax deduction...he was game for the fun, so he said let's go for the New years baby!
They actually put a clamp on my mom's belly and held her knees till midnight...I was born at 15 SECONDS after New Year 1970. First baby of the decade in the whole Bay Area! my name in the paper, but no diapers or flowers for my poor mom.
I used that paper article in show & tell for years... lol
(6,086 posts)The bloody emoticons aren't working for me today!! LOL!! Here's my wish for you:
May you be granted all the deepest dreams and hopes of your heart and may this be the beginning of the sweetest part of your life, Firstlight!! God bless you!!
(23,663 posts)I don't recall seeing you share that before.
I hope you're having a SPLENDID birthday!!!!
(14,717 posts)so many funny and strange little things in just the past 24 hours. Here's a taste... went out to Denny's, got a free Grand Slam (mmmm grease!) and used the balance on the child support credit card to pay for the rest! That cam from either or both ex's...and my New year Burn was of all my ex's and release!
another one from last night...i spotted a guy walking by in the early evening that i thought was hot. Even mentioned it to my friend if she saw him to drag him back to the table to meet me...then saw him at the bar, believed him to be alone, so I went for it. Chatted with him as I ordered another round, he mentioned his Bday was Christmas and he knew the holiday/bday curse, lol. I told him where we were sitting and left it at that.
AFTER midnight, bumped into this very friendly, pretty drunk lady, who was in that buzzed 'omg you're my best friend' phase... so she bought me a drink and came to sit with us... she was actually really intense and normal, and we talked about eat, pray, love and traveling...she told me to be willing to dream big and that travel will happen for me, she just knew it!...then she introduced us to her boyfriend... yep, the guy at the bar! we all exchanged pleasantries and they went on their way...but that irony was so profound i know i needed to pay attention to her words about my dreams and travel, so the coincidence made me pay attention...
(6,086 posts)Sometimes, God speaks to us through the lips of other people. Remember and was a word of prophecy from heaven.