Mercury RX seems to have caught me today!
Box springs wouldn't fit up the stairs, & $30 'misplaced!'

Melissa G
(10,170 posts)
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)
These are relatively minor events, but as big family events are happening shortly, I HOPE it GOES AWAY!!!
(138,724 posts)Melissa G
(10,170 posts)To post number 3?
(376 posts)we used to calll it "the endless retrograde" doesn't completely get better until mercury returns to the point it retrograded, which in this case seems to be around november 9...
(138,724 posts)I HOPE/PRAY for smooth times henceforth; my daughter is being MARRIED November 7! PLEASE HELP, moonbeam!
(376 posts)and so many things are dependent on the venue and it has to be on Saturday and and...i spent hours trying to find a good day for my dear friend's daughter's wedding...but we finally found a reasonable one...and i finally gave up on my own and just said "the hell with it" let's get married on New Years Eve...(big mistake) more capricorn weddings for me lol...
You need time place and date to even begin to analyze a chart...and my nephew (who didn't consult me) just got married at a really bad time but oh well...everybody seems happy so i'm not even going to mention that...
And my daughter and my best friend both went against my astrological advice-one is divorced and the other is unhappy...
But people do what their karma demands and the universe is unfolding as it should...
Best of luck to your daughter...there's not much you can do except to unconditionally love her...
PS a really good book on all this is Davison's
(138,724 posts)I was really hoping for no disasters before and surrounding the wedding, not thinking about their future, which I expect to be sound! I love her hugely!