I Think I Had a Visit (long)
Like many ASAH'ers, I read a good deal on communication from the other side. Some sources say that when thoughts of a person who has crossed over enter our mind, we should consider that they may be paying us a visit.
With that thought in mind, here's what happened to me a few weeks ago. First, however, a little background.
At the beginning of my marketing career, many decades ago in the late 70s and early 80s, I covered a large territory for one of America's Big 3 automotive companies. I was the first woman hired as an executive by the auto industry.
I had an automotive dealer in my territory who was the dream of every marketing manager. This exceptional individual, who I will call "El," did everything right. He virtually required no work on my part and if I'd had a territory full of guys like El, I could have done nothing, sat back, and collected a big fat paycheck.
That, of course, was not the case. I had one other superstar and the rest were basket cases who required a lot of hard work to get them to do what they were supposed to do.
El was in a good-sized city. He was married to a woman named "Ev" and they were the perfect couple: two people who were made for each other (their real names are similarly alliterative). Whenever I visited them, El and Ev treated me like royalty. They would take me out to dinner at a restaurant that I was particularly fond of. They acted like it was a big deal that their "factory rep" was in town. Nothing interrupted our discussions.
We had the most wonderful of conversations. El had an acerbic wit that I enjoyed enormously, while Ev was a softening influence--warm, kind, and very pretty, with lovely blonde hair. I recall she liked to wear mohair, and this, with her shiny, wavy blonde hair, gave her an angelic appearance.
El and Ev were older people when I knew them, so when the two of them popped into my mind back on June 8, I knew they had to have passed.
The images that came into my head were very vivid. They were of the dining occasions we'd shared and the witticisms of El. I felt their presence. It was...well, for want of a better word, delightful. That doesn't even describe it, though. Elation might be close.
Now, assuming it was the two, I have no idea why they decided to pay a visit after all these years. I'm just glad they did. It made me feel so good and it brought up so many happy memories.
One night, a few days after the visit, I decided I would research when they crossed over. I Googled both, and learned that El crossed over in 2001. Ev lived in a senior apartment complex until she crossed over in 2011, so she was without her beloved El for a decade.
Now, here's the synchronicity. The day I had the visit was June 8. When reading the obituaries, I saw that Ev had crossed over on June 8. To me, that was a little sign that I wasn't imagining this visit.
It's interesting to think about how we can be going about our lives and if we pick up on it, we can have a visit from people from our past.
I will always think of this visit with great fondness, as I felt for this couple when they were in physical form.

(13,039 posts)eom
(12,189 posts)that you shared - I had not heard of this, so appreciate what you related.
Nice memories.
(2,151 posts)Sound like good times were shared by all.
(6,163 posts)What a wonderful tribute to your friendship.