Book I'm Reading on the Afterlife
Been reading this on my Nook the last few nights. I wanted to mention it because it's a little different than what some books and after-death contact experiences report.
The name of the book is The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad-Boy Brother Proved to Me There's Life After Death by Annie Kagan.
The author is a musician and Billy Fingers is her brother. The odd name "Fingers" is because he once had a job as a masseuse and was apparently very good at it.
She is also a former chiropractor who got a divorce and moved to Long Island to pursue her music interests and live with her cat.
Annie was the younger of the two and was the "good girl" while her brother was the "bad boy." Her brother was into drugs and died as a result of that lifestyle.
The afterlife contact is pretty simple: He just talks to her and tells her what it is like. Here are some quotes. This one was interesting to me because I decided to live my life so I'd be happy. That's what my life is all about. If it doesn't make me happy, I try to limit my exposure to it, so it was interesting to me that Billy Fingers tells Annie that happiness is not really so important.
And here's another secret for you, my sister. There is no right way for things to turn out. Some endings are happier, some not so happy, but it's not just the happiness percentage that matters. It's the music of it. Most people's lives don't have enough music. I was lucky; my life was a rock opera.
In another part of the book, he says we're here as an experiment (our own experiment that we concoct before we incarnate). So far, he doesn't go into the experiment much, as he says it would be hard to understand.
Ther's more, but its getting late. I'll add more tomorrow.

get the red out
(13,696 posts)I might have to get that one. Thanks.
(39,205 posts)I also checked reviews at Amazon. This book has been around for a year and has gotten very good reviews. You can check other reviews at Amazon--there are lots of them, but I think after awhile they generally all say the same thing.
One reviewer raves about the wonderful writing and while the writing is fine, it's certainly nothing to rave about to that extent.
Here are a few more tidbits about the other side.
There are different places one can go. For example, their father, who died of cancer, needed to see his relatives, so he went to the place where he could be with them. Billy went to another place. He had a name for that place, but I can't remember what it was.
And yes, you get to be with your kitty cats and pup dogs who crossed over, too.
There is a way of blending into the Universe. For spirits, this is sort of like sleep is for us. They can go blend in with the stars and the universe. Sounds like a dreamy type of state.
The synchronicities in this book are so entertaining! You just have to know there is a real communication going on. These things can't be just chance.
More as I read...
Here's a pic of Billy:
and here's a pic of Annie, the author:
(12,189 posts)with the Universe sounds exactly like what I want to experience!
Will check into this - thanks.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)love the concept. It does sound dreamy...
(6,096 posts)orleans
(35,737 posts)i thought it was worth reading
(20,453 posts)I listen to astrology and read many books I've kept across the years on it. Recently, I started listening another online astrologist, which brings me to the afterlife. Every now and then, he touches on the 3 dimensional experience we seem to have in "this life". This makes me always want to know the experience "after this life".
So, I'm interested because there must be some other rationale for the experience "good" and "bad". Surely, there are many things we learn while living on earth.
Keep us posted on how you feel at the end of the book. I'll probably give it a read.
(39,205 posts)I started a post but fell asleep last night at the computer. After work, though, I'll be back to post my thoughts. I loved this book, though. Loved it. And especially I want to discuss the good/bad parameters that we've been convinced to believe is a part of the afterlife.
(448 posts)I think I'm going to get it. Thanks for posting. I've never heard of the book but it's definitely what I love reading about
(448 posts)It .
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)"And here's another secret for you, my sister. There is no right way for things to turn out. Some endings are happier, some not so happy, but it's not just the happiness percentage that matters. It's the music of it. Most people's lives don't have enough music. I was lucky; my life was a rock opera. "
Then when I saw this tonight, it reminded me. Do our lives make a sound recording like a tree's does?
This is an excerpt from the record Years, created by Bartholomäus Traubeck, which features seven recordings from different Austrian trees including Oak, Maple, Walnut, and Beech.
What you are hearing is an Ash trees year ring data. Every tree sounds vastly unique due to varying characteristics of the rings, such as strength, thickness and rate of growth.
Keep in mind that the tree rings are being translated into the language of music, rather than sounding musical in and of themselves. Traubecks one-of-a-kind record player uses a PlayStation Eye Camera and a stepper motor attached to its control arm.
It relays the data to a computer with a program called Ableton Live. What you end up with is an incredible piano track, and in the case of the Ash, a very eerie one.