I need some prayers and good vibes sent my way..if you would be so kind.
I am 67 years old, some of you know I have been having respiratory problems now since December 2011. Trust me when I say I have been to countless doctors, had all the tests known to man, been diagnosed improperly now for over 15 months.
FINALLY someone suggested an EKG in April of 2013 (?)..finding something...went to a cardiologist BP 190/110 ...so now we are "working on getting my bp down" with drugs that are giving me headaches from hell.
Finally an echo is done...my aortic valve is dilated..and then I called into the nurse last friday (with my bp reading twice daily) and I get Nurse Ratchet (i.e. One flew Over the Cukoos Nest"..)..waiting for a call today from the nurse I feel bonded with and will refuse to talk to Nurse Ratchet again.
this weekend I have discomfort in my chest, SHORTNESS OF BREATH FOR OVER 9 MONTHS - not counting the first 7 or 8 months of whooping cough symptoms which they treated as whooping cough. MY BP isn't going to go down when the BP meds give me violent headaches (I don't do headaches)....
I just want the doctors TO STOP PUTTING ME ON A SIDE SHELF and forgetting about me..that my wheezing has been present for well over a year - getting increasingly worse, the shortness of breath did not begin until this April...and I
am sick of not being able to live my life like a normal person.
I live near Kansas City and feel I have the best cardiologists in KC - St. Lukes in the plaza - I wonder IF I am not saying the
right things to get them to realize that this has been a nightmare..and I'm so scared - I also have put on 34 lbs since 1/1/12 due to all the cortisone, steroids for 3 months while treating me for whooping cough. So that's my bonus that OH hell, I just LOVE. NOT.
Thank you all..this is a wonderful group..and I feel so pinned up against a wall where I feel No one is listening.
Thank you for listening to this babble..I am at my wits end,
I have been extremely healthy all my life...but need someone to just "see" me..."want to help me heal"..and I don't see the medical industry doing such a great job.
Love and Blessings,

(29,047 posts)
(12,263 posts)and healing vibes. Wishing you the very best resolution and a quick return to your preferred lifestyle.
(22,845 posts)I see that you have been through the mill with doctor visits.
But do you think it might be helpful to see a GP for a full physical and workup? Specialists focus on their specialties, of course, but perhaps someone else could get a more holistic view and spot something else going on.
Good luck and feel better!
(6,096 posts)Is GP general practitioner? My main doctor for 25 years is a DO, and I trust him greatly,
I also have 2 sons who are chiropractors, and I, as well, put my husband through chiropractic school in Davenport, Iowa. I lean much more toward the alternative type powers, but find this has been a nightmare for me.
Thanks all for your blessings...I am going to go sit in the sun for awhile (most therapeutic thing I can do)...I love the sun..it's gonna help heal me..
Hugs to all
(22,845 posts)When did you last have a complete, all-the-bells-and-whistles complete physical examination, lab tests and all? I wonder if this could turn up something that was previously overlooked.
Also, have you gone to an allergist? When I moved from NJ to Maryland over 20 years ago, I developed allergic asthma from tree pollens. I need to use prescription inhalers and nasal sprays from January through April every year. Maybe you have a previously unsuspected allergy to something in your home.
Or a chemical sensitivity? Some of these can make people extremely ill. I have a friend - a biochemist - with multiple chemical sensitivity who can't even bring a new piece of furniture or electronic equipment to his house without getting sick enough to land in the hospital.
I hope you find something that helps.
(6,096 posts)I EVEN had a company come in and check my house for mold, as the doctors at KU told me I had asthma, a diagnosis which was
no where close to my problems. None of the drugs albuterol , xaponex, (sp???) nebulizer, spiriva, NONE OF THOSE DRUGS phased me or helped my symptoms. I, of course, don't have to tell you I loathe drugs, but am back on Altace and -- have not been able to give up the xanax ever since my husband passed away, although the amount has been cut in half.
I was born with a congenital heart defect, and went through a bout with WPW (Wolffe Parkinson White Syndrome) 12 years ago and had an ablation, I still believe this condition (my shortness of breath and wheezing) may be caused from another kink in the electrical areas of my heart...I had a heart surgeon tell me I have the strong heart he has ever seen, and told me I would never die of a heart attack...I kiddingly said, "Will you put that in writing?"..lol
Thanks so much everyone for your advice....you don't realize how special everyone is and how many people in this forum are so willing to give. I am proud to say I a member of this forum.
I don't always write alot and part of that is because I haven't always felt the best for 15 months. I am going to follow some of
this advice, my goal is to be able to fly back to Manila to see my sons and my new grandchildren next year.
Hugs to all
(3,621 posts)My best to you Penny.
When was it your husband passed? I'm wondering how connected your medical stuff is to that event? When people talk about a broken heart in response to an emotionally devastating event, it may not be just figurative. When my sister "divorced" our family, my mother ended up with a broken heart.
You can heal. Answers are out there. More later.
(6,096 posts)My husband passed in his sleep in July of 2007 (unexpectedl) For a few years after that I didn't want to live...I was NOT suicidal, but
I wasn't here. I then got shingles and took so many anxiety pills and other pills I am surprised I am still here.
Today is my birthday...and it has been one of the most awful days I have had for years. I turned 68 and I woke up
in the most foul mood I can even remember ever happening.
I have read about broken hearts..I was with him for 22 years(he is not the father of my children ) although their biological
dad was not present IN ANY FORM and Dan was their father figure since they were 15(especially my daughter).
I know my heart is broken..and i was born with a congenital heart defect (WPW Wolffe Parkinson White Syndrom) but
that was taken care of in 2001. (???) i guess.
I have a nuclear PET stress test on the 28th of May. I am praying they find something, anything.
I have had a diagnosis and a pill for EVERY THING under the sun. I am losing a great deal of respect for doctors,
but I think our medical field is getting far tooo segregated.
I hand carried xrays and records from one doctor to the other over and over AND THEY NEVER READ THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am going to yield more and leave it in God's hands....and I have alot of problems doing that because I do not think
of my maker in the ways that many do. (I also know here in the forum that that is not unusual).
i believe in a supreme power, an infinite power...I believe I chose my family..that I have been here before, and will
be again back with MANY of the same people I have loved and lived beside.
But the Bible for me has far too many contradictions and I get tired of people trying to read something from Matthew, Luke
or John to aide me with my anxiety. I had one lady tell me yesterday that "all I had to do was tithe 10% of my resources to the LORD?????? OH, I SO WANTED TO SAY, OH?????? "So the Lord will let me in if I give him 10% of my earnings...???????????????
I do not NEED a church OR a priest or a POPE to help me pray.
but if in some strange way, my maker could convey to me the way to get rid of my anxiety would be to paint my entire house with a tiny paintbrush in my mouth, I WOULD DO IT IF WOULD HELP WITH ANXIETY.
Thank you for your post. I appreciate all the posts..believe me I do. but doctors are NOT always right.
Even though I carried documents, xrays, records from doctor to doctor..they would redo the very same tests....
all tests and doctors appts are scheduled weeks apart..(because IF you are going to a GOOD doctor you cannot get in to see them.. Oh, hope I'm not coming across bitchy..but it's been a long hard road.
I'm not even sure if I have ever mentioned I had parasites (been to a 3rd world country for one month EACH year from 2008 thru 2011...AND IT TOOK the doctors 11 months to give me a stool sample test (AT MY INSISTENCE).
Thanks again..have my test on Tuesday..am scared to death, and Yes, Banza, 99% of my fear is because my husband is NOT physically by my side!!!!
thanks again
Love and blessings,
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)with prayers that you can breathe easily and freely again, with low blood pressure, no headaches.....as written above, you need one GP at the center of your care, who can look at all the results and put it together.
Only you will know if any of these resonate for you, but from Louise Hay (affirmations in italics):
Breath represents the ability to take in life. I love life.
Breathing problems -- Fear or refusal to take in life fully. Not feeling the right to take up space or even exist at times. It is my birthright to live life fully and freely. I am worth loving. I now choose to live life fully.
Bronchitis -- Inflamed family environment. Arguments and yelling. I declare peace and harmony within me and around me. All is well.
Heachaces -- Self-criticism. Fear. I love and approve of myself. I see myself and what I do with eyes of love. I am safe.
Heart -- Represents the center of love and security (see blood) My heart beats to the rhythm of love.
Heart problems -- Longstanding emotional problems. Lack of joy. Hardening of the heart. Belief in strain and stress. Joy. Joy. Joy. I lovingly allow joy to flow through my mind and body and experience.
High blood pressure -- Longstanding emotional problems not solved. I joyously release the past. I am at peace.
Blood -- Represents joy in the body, flowing freely. I am the joy of life expressing and receiving.
(6,096 posts)"Only you will know if any of these resonate for you" You just blew my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I lost my husband 6 years ago and my heart is NOT HAPPY....it's very sad and I have gone to grief counseling, a wonderful psychologist, but I wonder WHY I am still here, and he is not. I woke up one morning and was angry - a friend called me and ask why I was so upset...and I told her it was because I woke up and I was still on earth....and Dan is NOT.
Yes this ALL resonates FOR ME....Thank you for this.....
The one thing they don't tell you about grief, is, that missing someone is the hardest part. It is time for me to let him go...HE even came to me in a dream and told me so.
It will be 6 years soon, and it seems like 6 months...or 60 years..I cannot even tell anymore.
Are there more writing by Louise Hay that I can find on the internet?
Thank you for this - I am going to read your post over and over until I memorize it...I think I need a gentle nudge in the right direction..
Your post made tears flow....I thank you for the healing power of tears.
(3,621 posts)That's what I'm getting. Your reponse gets to the heart of Penny's health problem. Sorry, I'm sometimes too punny for my own good. And I'm not making light of this at all, Penny and MT.
MT, you know how I work and it's all about following the cues that come up. Words have meaning.
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)dozens of BP meds. All of them have side effects. Some less than others. They can change that.
However. Have you considered seeking health advice from someone else? An herbalist, natropathic doctor or homeopathic practitioner? They will at least listen and know steps to take to treat your whole being.
"The cure of the part should never be attempted without the treatment of the whole. No attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul. Let no one persuade you to cure the mind until he has first given you his spirit. For the great error of our day is that physicians separate the heart from the mind, and the mind from the body."
(3,794 posts)Be your own advocate, best of luck.
(377 posts)So sorry for your terrible loss...
Without going into my own convoluted story, over the last couple years i have been forced into dealing with this HBP crap...you didn't say what medicines you are on, but metropolol has worked well for me along with an occasional lisinipril... be very wary of clonodine...i have spent many hours on the web desperately researching for the magic lol...There is a tv show called "your health" which has been a godsend...maybe you can find it (mine is on dish network)
Go to askapatient.com for totally great reviews of all kinds of drugs...that site literally saved me from devastating side effects of levaquin...
Also, i am also a more holistic person, so i have been taking a TON of supplements and have been able to cut WAY down on the meds (i was originally given enough for an elephant lol)
What i like best: cQ10 (a total must have), omega 3-6-9, magnesium, D3, olive leaf extract, noni juice, and (amazingly) sublingual B-12 has seemingly worked wonders (or just a coincidence)..(.my brother is an MD and he has been impressed)
Dr Richard Becker and Dr Steven Sinatra both have sites and supplements that have been effective for me...not super cheap, but i always buy on sale so it isn't so bad...what's REALLY aggravating is that insurance was willing to spend over $300,000 for my emergency care, but refuses to pay the several hundred dollars to keep me out of the hospital...just another example of capitalistic stupidity rife in this country...
Much luck and please keep posted...rooting for you!!
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)Looks like you've already found the beginning of the answers
(6,096 posts)for me several years ago...that I ran across the other day.
You were so kind and such a wonderful soul.
Thank you for your blessings I will accept the wholeheartedly!!
(23,663 posts)I don't blame you for being frazzled and frustrated, on top of not feeling well for so long.
Please keep us posted.
(4,482 posts)I hope you are feeling better soon.
Louise Hay's Little Blue Book is available on Amazon:
Also recommend "Feelings Buried Alive Never Die," by Karol Truman
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)kimmerspixelated
(8,423 posts)will help to release so much and cleanse. If you can find a laughter yoga group I would
highly rec. it... for one thing it reduces blood pressure, with many,many other health bennies.
I knew a lady that was on a lot of meds, and she finally "fired" her doc and quit the meds or changed them eliminating most, and drastically improved 100%.
Also have you tried juicing or barley grass? Detoxing in general is bound to help.
Oh, sweetie.. major hugs to you. I'm sending healing light your way.
(187 posts)and light coming to you that you may find who and what you need. I agree that our medical system is so, so broken....I hope that you can breathe easy very soon!
(6,096 posts)i just wish these cardiologists wouldn't TAKE SO DAMN LONG to perform tests...that show "something"...but then another test has to be done...and they are booked up for 2 weeks...blabblity blabbity blah.
My BP is DEFINITELY going down..I nearly fainted when it was 130/70 yesterday and a day I figured it
was over the roof.
I work on trying to relax, and since my "friends" think I OVERTHINK everything, I am working on that
I have never been an unhealthy person. I was "always" such an optimistic person...the one person
in my group of friends who "try" to be the peacemaker....the one who tries to point out to the loved ones that can handle it, that we are responsible for our own selves.
PET stress test (no treadmill) on the 28th of May..and I am already letting my fears begin to rear their ugly head...
I feel like I AM NO LONGER IN CONTROL OF ANYTHING (health - weight - anxiety, energy)..
Thanks for all your posts...I am going to pray they find the problem, and FIX it and that it is
NOT invasive.
I don't want much... just what everyone else wants...a little peace, a little love, and more energy.
Thanks all

I don't say much here, but I am always sending energy for anyone in need.

Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)

(23,156 posts)I thought there was a lab test of some kind which would show whether or not you actually had it, and then it could be treated.
Is there anything else that changed in your life shortly before the onset of these symptoms?
The other thing I want to suggest is if you can find a good hypnotherapist. Louise Hay's stuff is aligned with what a good hypnotherapist can do for you, so she's a wonderful place to start.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)to culture and run two tests; one for the appropriate bacteria (bordatella pertussis for whooping cough) and the other for sensitivity to know which antibiotics to use. Now that I think of it, we have government-provided test kits for pertussis, although they may be state, not federal, so not all states necessarily track it.
I expect the steroids were for inflammation. This may have started as pertussis and progressed into other issues over time though...
(377 posts)It's going to be an important year for you with the eclipse on your sun...and of course the sun has much to do with the physical body and healing...if you know anything about astrology or have someone that can help you with it, making your doctor appointments at good times (as much as possible) and starting new medicines and supplements at good times can really be effective...
If you aren't already taking magnesium, it has been useful for anxiety and nerves...
Good luck and here's hoping everything improves for you....you have had a rough road....btw, being born on the 23rd means you have a special connection to Sirius!
(6,096 posts)sons are chiropractors and tell me IF I TAKE nothing else, take your magnesium. I get my products from Standard Process.
I have dabbled in astrology (especially when I was in my 30's) however your last sentence has sparked curiosity. Can you tell
me what it mean that I have a special connection to Sirius? I would love to know more - or find something to read regarding ...shall we say Astrology for Dummies...but I am EXTREMELY interested in it.
Just wondering what Sirius means.
Thanks moonbeam. Have the nuclear myocardial perfusiosn imaging PET test Tuesday May 28th. I am nervous...but am working on
controlling my anxiety. The hospital St Lukes in the Plaza in KC is known for wonderful heart specialists and even though I am
extremely nervous about this test...I cannot wait
I have much to do before I let this shortness of breath get me down. But I won't be able to fly back to Manila to see my
new grandchildren if we don't figure out what is causing these respiratory issues.
Thanks so much all...I will keep you informed. I so appreciate such a wonerful support group.
Hugs to all!!!! and Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend.
(10,453 posts)It can produce severe chest pain, asthma, coughing, wheezing and a whole host of other symptoms. My dear father had a cough throughout his later years and died of esophageal cancer. After having nausea and "heartburn" for a long time, I had an upper endoscopic exam which revealed a hiatal hernia and an eroded lower esophageal sphincter (LES). I stayed on acid reducers for a long time, but it's not good to take those long-term. No wonder that stomach acid kept pouring into my throat every time I bent over. With all the steroid I've taken over the years for allergies, eczema, asthma, it's no wonder the LES was non-functional. I had surgery on Monday to repair the LES and already I can sleep lying flat for the first time in months.
It sounds like you've been taking a lot of steroid which could actually be making your situation worse. I'm not trying to second-guess your doctor, but just offering a suggestion that maybe you hadn't considered. Good luck, and keep us posted.
PS: A belated Happy Birthday~~~~~
(2,151 posts)I should think you are in good hands. Hope you and your medical team can resolve your issues soon. Sending light and hugs.
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)I do hope you are feeling better soon.
And if at any time you feel you aren't getting answers, try posting a question here--
Doctors actually answer the questions.