Earth Changes afoot...Election a 'non-event' in the wake of Sandy...
Hi guys... first let me send those of you in the storm's path some love and safety vibes from sunny California. I will be thinking of you as I look at the sky over the next few days and hold for clearing to come soon and the waters to recede and not cause too much trauma to you and everyone else in the path of this monster.
It's funny how you can get impressions or 'hits' sometimes and you have to wait and see what they are about.
About a year ago, maybe around the time the (R) primaries were beginning, I kept getting a really strong vibe that the election 'wasn't gonna happen'
At first, it disturbed me, so I kept checking in and looking to see if it was just my own ideas getting in the way, or what. Nope, it just wasn't "there" in the timeline of events. I wondered if it was just because Obama was going to win so handily it was just a blip... but that wasn't it either. Something was nagging in the back of my mind - like something bad was going to happen and the election may be postponed or affected somehow.
I think I get what it is now, Sandy is a HUGE gamechanger... and I think also a bigger indicator of what is to come this winter.
I keep flashing on that movie "The Day After Tomorrow" - where huge storms cover the entire northern hemisphere. There's some plates moving here in the west too... things are about to get interesting folks. I really don't want to be right about this, but it it better to be safe and prepared I guess....

magical thyme
(14,881 posts)People believed trapped inside.
I don't think the election will be a non-event, but Sandy certainly is working with Mercury to hold it up. 6 impacted states can't vote without electricity. Romney wants to disband FEMA. Major choice...I think Sandy will seal it for Obama.
(14,717 posts)in times like's not going to get better, this stuff is the new normal. Our planet is shifting, and November may be even worse...
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)So the building is still standing, but the front is wide open.
A couple years ago I posted in here that I kept "seeing" people evacuating north and me moving further north in the fall. I'm wondering if it will be this fall...
(7,212 posts)conscious awareness
(14 posts)"New normal" my arse. I will not support Obama, due to NDAA, drones, "Patriot" (traitor) Act, etc.
I see that after Uranus (yours, not mine ) moves into Taurus, perhaps the trine w/Cap in Pluto will makes things a bit less up in the air and more moola for all!
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)with the wave of a magic wand? Or is your reading comprehension really that poor?
(273 posts)You get an A for the effort, but your execution leaves much to be desired.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)eilen
(4,950 posts)Seriously. I just heard about it on the radio. This time snow is likely but no where in the strength of Sandy. NY can also extend election day through Wednesday which I think is highly likely.
(14,717 posts)the reason for the 'non-event' vibe... hopefully we can just move past this circus and get back to work on re-building this so many ways
(657 posts)I've been reading so much on how Merc Rx is the same as 2000. But I read how it's direction is opposite of what it was then. I don't know if that's true, some here can answer that, but if that's true the surprise might be on them this time. It will be faster and by larger margins as opposed to slow and questionable results. Or maybe I'm just wishful thinking. Ha!
(23,663 posts)I like it!
(6,507 posts)this way. I keep imagining a blue landslide that washing the teaparty obstructionists away. And Rush Limbaugh along with them.
(713 posts)It HAS got to be a landslide for Obama...surely there cannot be 51% of the American people still asleep!?? Right? Mitt is the most ridiculous candidate EVER. Even though I was receiving information about how "over the TOP" things were and how much worse they were going to get, it STILL is just fascinating to see people support a candidate who hasn't even given specifics on what he's going to do! Crazy, crazy, crazy times for sure!
(14,717 posts)that sounds significant... do you know more? I knew we were going to be in Merc Rx, but didn't know about the connection to 2000...
anyone...rick? tell us more!!!!
(273 posts)Is that Romney and Rove are going to steal the election. It's over, it's done, the fix is in and the machines are set to flip.
My gut is also telling me that it's gonna blow up in their faces this time. They won't get away with it, and the act will lay bare everything that is wrong with our electoral system. The election becomes a non-event.
Because we'll have to do it over again. And this time we're gonna do it right.
(713 posts)But I what I am getting is that they will try to steal it and yes I think they will get caught. It will be exposed. It already is. I think the reason firstlight had been getting the election as a "non event" is because it is going to be such a landslide for Obama. I got some amazing information this evening about the realities and how they have already split. On our side, the election will seem a "non event" because we are just continuing on the path we are already on. There are going to be A LOT of people in complete SHOCK with the outcome, but it won't be on our side. There's much more detail to it, but for all intents and purposes, the realities have split! I intend to get the rest in my blog asap. There has been a shift in the energy just today. Lots more light, can you feel it??
(657 posts)With mercury going retro, it's not a good time to rely on computers. They are relying on these patches and dirty tricks with computers tabulating the votes. These things may not work as they planned. It may backfire on them and give us a larger win than expected.
(6,507 posts)FirstLight
(14,717 posts)is opposite energetically...i agree, the reason FL is such a mess is that they were trying to fix it, and it isn't working ROFL
...and we don't even NEED FL to win.... teehee!!! looking good people!!!
(657 posts)They are flipping out they can't believe Ohio. What happened? I think they're shocked, something backfired on them
(14,717 posts)THAT'S WHY HE IS REFUSING TO CONCEDE...He thought he had it bought, sold, paidfor...
tooooooo bad! PHEW!
In fact, they could GIVE him Ohio and it won't make a fucking difference!!!!