Blessed Mabon, to one and all!
May the Goddess grant us the serenity to contemplate our shadow sides during the coming dark of the year, and the grace to accept and learn from them. As I figure I'm now in the Mabon of my personal life circle, this time holds special meaning. As well, it marks hubby and my 38th wedding anniversary.
I thought I'd share the ritual I'm going to be doing tonight. For almost three decades, I've been HPS to a coven of Solitaires (as I put it). As age and family issues have gained prominence at this time of our lives, I'm back to doing Solitaire work for now. Looking forward to Samhain, tho... everyone comes home for Samhain! (LOL) Anyway, for those interested, here's the ritual. Feel free to add it to your BOS, to take, change, and make it your own. I've used it for many years, and I always make last minute changes as the Spirit moves.
I thought Id share with you the ritual Ill be using this evening. This will done within the circle in my own home, tho
not in a cemetery. I dont think the Army likes us in their National Cemeteries at night (gryn). For me, Ill be consuming mead in the ritual.
For this ritual you will need an apple and a chalice of wine or juice. Grape or apple juices are excellent choices if you cannot drink alcohol. If it is at all possible, this ritual should take place in a secluded cemetery. If this isn't possible, you should try to visit a cemetery where your loved ones are buried and leave apples to wish them a quick rebirth.
When you are ready to begin, cast your circle, and invite your deities.
Blessed be this season of Mabon,
Time of the second harvest, the harvest of fruit and wine.
Tonight all things are in balance: Goddess and God, Life and Death, Light and Dark.
Tonight the darkness will conquer the light, leading us deeper into the waning year.
If you are not at the cemetery of your loved ones, visualize if you can their resting places. Take the apple and hold it in front of you at heart level.
Ancient symbol of life, death and rebirth, take away my mourning.
Help me to be assured that death is not a permanent parting,
but a new and joyful beginning.
If you are in the cemetery place the apple in front of the grave of a loved one. The apple symbolizes reincarnation. If you aren't at the cemetery, you should save the apple to bury in the Earth later to symbolize your hope for rebirth to all life. With the somber part of the ritual over now, you should turn yourself to gladness and honor the God of wine and the aging Crone Goddess. Take the chalice of wine and hold it upward.
Blessed Crone, thank you for bringing me safely to this season.
God of wine, thank you for your gift of the grape.
Now you can make a toast to whomever or whatever you like. Make as many as you toasts as you want and make them as silly as you want!!
When you are finished, say:
Blessed be Mabon, season of bounty.
Now spend some time in your circle meditating or communing with the spirits that may surround you. Then close the circle however you wish.
Note: I've always found that the toasting (as well as the amount of mead consumed) raise the energies in the room, especially when hubby joins me in ritual. Be sure to ground the energy raised appropriately!
And once again, a very blessed Mabon to you. May the coming season be one of vision, strength, and love.
(841 posts)Thank you for generously sharing this beautiful ritual. For me, just reading it brought a feeling of peacefulness as autumn begins.
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Deep State Witch
(11,577 posts)And Blessed Mabon to you, too!
(4,698 posts)I'm missing my coven this year. Between parents and grandchildren, priorities change (sigh). Still... I miss those glorious days where sabats were all day and all night long with festivity, ritual, and feasting. Moving to a small city certainly didn't help (gryn).