Time to Bind tRump tonight...
SpellBind tRump tonight Midnight EST, 9PM, PST
A Spell to Bind Donald Trump and All Those Who Abet Him: June 30th Mass Ritual
Get out your orange candle, Tower card, and ugly tRump photo.
Here is the Spell...

(24,310 posts)The binding spell crossed my mind yesterday and I forgot to follow up.
(52,672 posts)Some people don't like me posting since they think it is silly. At this point I would dye my skin purple if it meant it could possibly help in getting rid of him any sooner than 2020 or making him "null and void' of any political power until then.
(31,745 posts)I don't think prayer is silly. I don't think vigils are silly.
Of course we need to take other actions, too. But none of this is silly.
Silver Gaia
(5,023 posts)Silver Gaia
(5,023 posts)And you are. There is nothing silly about this. It is dead serious.
When I teach world religions (which includes an overview of paganism and indigenous religions as well as overvews the major religions - I try to be as comprehensive as possible), I invariably have at least one atheist who thinks it is all silly, as is their right. But in my class, they are required to at least be respectful. By the end of class, I've had students thank me for helping them to understand where religion comes from (origins), and why it still exists. They have at least gained understanding and have learned respect. In a diverse, multicultural world, that is an important lesson to learn. We do well to remind ourselves and others of this.
So, anyway, thank you. This is something many of us need, whether we speak up and acknowledge it publicly it not, and you are helping. I most definitely appreciate your efforts. Bless you!
(52,672 posts)I am an atheist too but I have an open mind. I have seen and heard ghosts so I personally have experienced something that is real but I do not understand it.
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
- Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio
Silver Gaia
(5,023 posts)I've had some strange experiences in that realm, too.
I hope you don't think I was disparaging atheism. I wasn't. It was just one way of explaining the mindset I sometimes encounter.
(52,672 posts)after they died but they never came back after more than a week or 10 days. The experiences weren't spooky. As an atheist I don't believe in a God but I know that something happens after you die since I saw and heard it in person. I also know people who saw and heard ghosts at the Whaley House (San Diego), one of the most haunted houses in the US. They were fellow teachers and confided in us when the kids weren't around.
(26,243 posts)an appropriate safe space to practice freedom of religion and speech!
(26,243 posts)this will be my 1st time!
(26,243 posts)I missed it! 🤣
(52,672 posts)and that is why the date changes each month. I believe the next one is on Aug 27th, then Sept 25th, Oct 24th, Nov 23rd and Dec 23rd.
I usually post a reminder on the day of the spell.
Silver Gaia
(5,023 posts)I've added them to my calendar with reminders (on my phone). I appreciate this!
I wonder how many of us are doing this. I wish we had a private place, like a chat room, where we could actually meet to do this together. I think that would be powerful and satisfying. Not that this isn't also powerful and satisfying! It is.
Anyway, thank you for doing this. I will be better about remembering to participate now that I've set reminders. I need this!
(52,672 posts)of the moon and count back three days then mark them. I have done it for two years and have been incorrect a few times. If you go to the guy's site the date is usually updated a few days before the next binding spell. This is the "go to" site...
They even had a special spell just for Kavanaugh last year.
Silver Gaia
(5,023 posts)Tribalceltic
(1,000 posts)I'm so tired, but I will be there.