Finding the Magic in Shemini Atzeret
Shemini Atzeret—the Jewish holiday that comes at the end of Sukkot—is a time when Jews around the world say Tefilat HaGeshem, a prayer for rain. And the people who will gather to mark the holiday at Jewitch Camp outside San Francisco on the evening of Oct. 4 are no exception.
But this gathering, described as “a sanctuary of spirit drawing on earth-based magic to pursue tikkun olam,” will go further in its rituals. The group of around 50 feminist, eco-conscious, Jewish-influenced witches who will convene in a sukkah constructed around a hot tub in Richmond, California, won’t just be shaking the lulav and the etrog. They’ll also be casting a circle, calling in the directions, and invoking everyone from the Native American ancestors of the land where they gather, to Ba’al Hadad (literally Master of Thunder), an ancient Canaanite storm and rain god.
“It’s very much about tapping into Canaanite/pagan roots,” said Susie, a Jewitch Camp steward who goes by one name. “Baal Shem Tov earth-based ruach led with kavannah—less about intellect and books.”
Jewitch Camp includes a cross-section of Bay Area Jews, many queer and transgender, and many of whom are involved in Kohenet West, a Hebrew Priestess training program that has ordained 40 Kohanot, or “Hebrew Priestesses,” since 2006. Some are followers of Starhawk, a prominent neo-pagan author of Jewish origin and a founder of the Reclaiming movement, a modern neo-pagan iteration that inspired Jewitch Camp.