8 Icelandic phrases to learn for the mid-winter Þorrablót feast
1. Skál í botn!
“Bottoms up!” – Use this phrase at will all through the evening.
2. Viltu rétta mér harðfiskinn?
“Could you pass the dried fish?” Harðfiskur and flatbread with smoked meat are the two most ‘normal’ dishes at a Þorrablót.
3. Heill þér Óðinn, heill þér Freyja!
“Happiness be with you Óðinn, happiness be with you Freyja!”
4. Meira smjör!
“More butter!” You’ll need it to spread on top of the dried fish.
5. Syngjum!
“Let’s sing!” Traditionally there’s plenty of singing done during these feasts.
6. Nú er frost á Fróni, frýs í æðum blóð!
“It’s a frosty season, the blood freezes in your veins.” This is a rough translation of the first two lines in a popular song often sung at Þorrablót. Remember to roll your r’s excessively.
7. Einn bjór, takk fyrir.
“One beer, please.” You’ll need one to rinse down all the pickled food.
8. Bless og takk fyrir kvöldið!
“Bye and thanks for the evening.” Naturally, you save this one for last.