Archaeologists make unique discoveries in Egypt
A team of archaeologists in Egypt has made a number of exceptional discoveries, including a stela – a relief design carved into a stone wall – with what are believed to be 2500-year-old inscriptions.
The project is led by Maria Nilsson from Lund University in Sweden.
“What is unique about the stela is that it shows the gods Amun-Ra and Toth together. These two deities are rarely represented together”, says Maria Nilsson. “We believe that the combination is related to a connection with the moon. Our research indicates the existence of a previously unexamined moon cult”, she continues.
The international Swedish-led research project, the Gebel el Silsila Survey Project, has been underway since 2012 and involves around 15 researchers. Gebel el Silsila is a stone quarry outside the city of Aswan, 850 km south of Cairo. The quarry supplied the stone for sites such as Luxor and other temple constructions in southern Egypt.
Another interesting find is that of two physical obelisks made of sandstone, abandoned in their original location due to a crack which appeared during the stone-cutting process. Researchers were familiar with the famous obelisks present in the Aswan quarry, but Maria Nilsson’s team has now found two more.