Letting go of the past can be difficult for some people. I have a really great friend in the early nineties, a sister witch, who turned into psycho witch! She started blaming everyone that was close to her for any dis-pleasures in her life. Considering that in 1992 I moved over two thousand miles away (From Illinois to Washington state), she still found blame to place on me. In 1995 she sent a Toa Mischievous Spirit Binding painting to me in an envelope with no return address, just a Chinese character that meant 'high mountain'.
The post mark came from Illinois and since she was the only person I knew that was into Tao it wasn't real hard to know it was from her. I couldn't simply burn the painting as I needed to consider the spirit trapped inside the writing itself. It's a Tao thing. I wound up binding the binding. I framed it facing a mirror backing and placing my binding painting on it's back. This has been working fine. Anyway, short story; I wound up forgiving my friend and letting her go. In her mind, since she sent the Tao binding to me, she feels that she has 'taken care of me' and has turned her attention elsewhere. She has never again tried to get in touch with me and I don't try to get in touch with her. I can still look at the old photos of us together, but with a pity and a hope that she will find what she needs to grow with.
I know that my story is rather 'winded' but I hope that you can relate. I don't have any real strong messages recently, but my life is changing (with my help
) for the better as I am focusing on my art-work and writing!