Related: About this forumTrump Holds Up Bible for Photo Op After Peaceful Protesters Are Tear-Gassed
Trump Holds Up Bible for Photo Op After Peaceful Protesters Are Tear-Gassed
By Hemant Mehta, June 1, 2020
Donald Trumps administration used tear gas on peaceful protesters outside the White House tonight, all so he could walk a clear path through Lafayette Park to the vandalized St. Johns Church for a photo op.
He stood outside the building, held up a Bible like a child lifting a participation trophy, and stared at the cameras, refusing to acknowledge the chaos hes created just a few feet away.
The irony is that the sign behind him says All are welcome, a statement that directly contradicts everything his administration stands for. White evangelicals will continue to vote for Trump in overwhelming numbers because they refuse to see beyond the frames of that single image. As long as Trump pays lip service to the most selfish Christians in the country, they will ignore the pleas from Black Americans demanding justice and equal treatment under the law.
Imagine, just for a moment, if another leader in another country held up a Quran after using chemicals to clear the streets of his political opponents.
Here's to the hope that history doesn't completely replicate and repeat itself and only occasionally rhymes:

Bible worship at its finest.

(1,049 posts)How many of the religious fanatics are going to fall for that? Answer:. All of them because they voted for him
(4,033 posts)...'religious fanatics' and those who are not 'religious fanatics', when using the bible as a reference or icon?
And who decides who is a 'religious fanatic' or isn't, as the case maybe?
(24,961 posts)a bible that it conveys a message of some kind? If anything, it conveys a message of hypocrisy to the extreme, especially in his treatment of the peaceful protesters and church representative (forcefully evicted them w/ the police). And by what right did the police or thugs trump had cleared have? No invitation was extended by the church to this thug.
(4,033 posts)Matthew 10:34
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."
It's right there in the book and, for trump's purposes, it is a perfect reference/icon for what he is doing/facilitating.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)
(40,915 posts)
(4,033 posts)...holding a bible.