Related: About this forumRacists aren't going to heaven.
Racists aren't going to heaven. They most probably will be escorted into hell by the very people (who came down from heaven to do the job), they committed racist acts against.

(35,505 posts)but racists sure make it hell on earth for others.
(4,261 posts)It's a handbook for racism and don't forget the vile anti-semitism in the gospels.
(49,533 posts)In fact, the evidence we DO have suggests that the only justice that exists is that which we are able to secure right here in this life.
This is an aspect of many religious belief systems that has so often perpetuated the status quo - the notion that someday, the aggressors will "get theirs" and the oppressed will be rewarded. I don't like that message of religion, not one bit.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)When you can convince people justice will be dolled out in the afterlife(conveniently unverifiable mind you), it makes it far easier to accept inequality. It keeps people tolling away making the rich richer and free from riots.
(4,033 posts)...or anywhere else, after life.
The only justice that exists, is the Justice we create here and now.
No magic, no masters, only us.
The ancients had it right:
Non fui, fui, non sum, non curo