Related: About this forumTrump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Source: Reuters
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Jeff Mason, Heather Timmons
MIAMI/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday said his Democratic opponents would tear down crosses and pledged to bring prayer to public schools at a re-election rally to shore up evangelical support.
Trump spoke on the outskirts of Miami at the King Jesus International Ministry, a “prosperity gospel” church that teaches that the faithful will be rewarded with health and wealth on earth.
“We are defending religion itself, it’s under siege,” Trump said. “A society without religion cannot prosper.”
More than 80% of white evangelicals voted for Trump in the 2016 election. But a crack in evangelical support opened up last month when the magazine Christianity Today wrote a blistering editorial on Trump’s “grossly immoral character.”
Attendees, some of them wearing Trump’s signature red campaign hats, nearly filled the room, which the church says holds 7,000. Some raised their hands in a sign of praise and swayed while music played loudly over the speakers before the president entered the room.
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So the kids can pray that he'll soon be impeached.
(52,658 posts)especially after the Christ. Today article. He will tell them whatever bible thumping BS he feels will keep them voting for him and his high morals and ethics.
Midnight Writer
(23,483 posts)Honestly, not to dispute the pandering thing, but could it be that, having surrounded himself with the finest religious hucksters in our country, Trump has not fallen under their influence?
After all, they tell him exactly what he needs to hear. The prosperity gospel that greed is good. That might makes right. That America is under siege from ungodly foreigners. That Donald is the Chosen One, akin to King Cyrus.
Sounds silly, but there is a Fundamentalist born every minute. And I am afraid that Donald is working from a body and mind clogged with arterial gravy.

(27,377 posts)Some years back I saw something on the interwebs that dealt with this, showing the different prayers that different groups pray. Done in a humorous way. Alas, I can't seem to find it any more.
I was in grade school in the 1950s when we had prayer in public school, and even at that young age, young Catholic that I was, it enraged me that we had the Protestant version of the Lord's Prayer. And I always wondered why we couldn't ever say a good Hail Mary.
And I was in a rural school where, to the very best of my knowledge, there was no one who wasn't some version of Christian.
I despise it when secular things, like Boy Scouts, start a meeting with a prayer. Or even the Pledge of Allegiance.
Where is Madelyn Murray when we need her?
(15,098 posts)Lord of the idiots
(40,915 posts)Many Ps/Cs consider the other to be not true Christians.
(15,394 posts)and most of his support is among Protestant Christians, so I'd expect a prayer that would make them happy. I'm sure Franklin Graham and Paula White can come up with something satisfactory.
(40,915 posts)Franklin says that Catholics are not Christians.
(15,394 posts)Act_of_Reparation
(9,116 posts)Protestant, of course. When the Catholics complain about it, their concerns will be dismissed just like they dismissed ours.
(23,347 posts)This is such crap.
Jesus' messages about wealth are clearly stated in the four Gospels.
How do these people square that circle?
It's all crap.
(15,394 posts)Having kids pray out loud in front of everyone at school is the very opposite of what he instructed them to do.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)I don’t think any of the current charlatans do. At any rate it works the exact same way as supply side economics. There’s no empirical evidence it works, but as some say, faith is all you really need.
(54,419 posts)CrispyQ
(39,159 posts)
I am so sick of these self righteous assholes.

Blue Owl
(55,512 posts)n/t