Related: About this forumWe can never truly know or understand God
Except the most expansive institutions on the planet are predicated on knowing exactly what God has said and wants.
Do I have that right?

(23,342 posts)But the way, what is "God?"
(35,473 posts)thatmost religions say is unknowable while telling us exactly what God is.
Pope George Ringo II
(1,896 posts)We've invented a few thousand so far.
(23,342 posts)Or maybe there is no such thing.
Who knows?
(35,473 posts)are not equal.
Maybe there are unicorns and leprechauns, maybe not.
The probability is vastly different.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)...but let me tell you what he wants.
(12,344 posts)and we can get to know him. It's only in the DU Religion Group that I've heard of an inscrutable Creator, about whom we can know nothing, not even if he exists or not. We must be out of the loop here.
(49,533 posts)Someone claims to know LOTS about said "Creator," but his claims aren't really claims so there.
Pope George Ringo II
(1,896 posts)Others' non-claims actually are claims.
(49,533 posts)Much easier to debate issues when your position is completely unassailable while your opponents must justify calling the sky blue!
(12,344 posts)Where the clear is murky and the murky is clear.
(49,533 posts)There are some who want every statement pertaining to gods or religious belief free of any criticism or questioning. Despite having MULTIPLE groups where this is exactly the policy, they instead obsess over the one particular discussion area where those things are not prohibited.
(148,575 posts)God created everything, but He made mistakes.
God hates you because He made those mistakes.
God won't eternally kill and punish you - if you do what we tell you He said to do.
God said you should do the following things:
God wants you to give us money.
God wants you to keep your questions to yourself.
God wants you to obey us, his priests and pastors, in all things.
(4,033 posts)...the motives of unicorns.
(4,553 posts)God hates queers, don't you see
God hates immigrants, just like me
God wants the poor to suck it up, and I agree
God is good with kids in cages, fine with me
God thinks Father Knows Best was a reality show,
And back to the 50's we should go
Aren't I just the Godliest person ever?
(16,694 posts)Of all the conflicts I might have with organized religion, one of the less controversial and yet more threatening to them is that they don't all "know" the same God, yet all profess to know him anyway. And infinite being is incomprehensible to a people that still can't figure out the Unified Field Theorem, or even know if there is one. But somehow we are able to know and understand an infinite being. At best, one should acknowledge that "knowing God" would be akin to the blind man touching the elephant. One will "know" very little about the elephant, and it will very likely be completely different from what other blind men are touching.
(35,473 posts)should be based on the feel of a tusk.
(16,694 posts)Although if you're feeling the tusk, ya might wanna take a couple of steps back.
(35,473 posts)if you are feeling the tail.
(13,929 posts)For a couple'a hundred dollars a year, I'll tell you what he says.
BARGAIN RATE ! For a cash deposit of $10,000, + $25,000 on installments, I know how to get you a seat in the Sky Room, right next to Jesus. But you gotta act fast. Seats are limited on a first come, first serve basis. When they're gone, they're gone.
PM me if interested. If not, you take your chances.
(49,533 posts)...except for all the things I'm going to tell you about MY god." -- Pretty much every believer, everywhere.
(4,261 posts)"We sit and argue all night long,
About a God we've never seen,
Who never fails,
To agree with me..."
Sitting outside a broken phone booth with money in my hand, is the title the band, The Primitive Radio Gods? not sure on that one