Related: About this forumNeed some advice regarding a cathedral tour of England.
I'm going to concentrate on the south midlands area. These are the cathedrals I'm interested in: Peterborough, Leicester, Lichfield Hereford and Gloucester. Maybe add Southwell, Derby and Worcester. I'm thinking it might make sense to stay in Gloucester and do day trips via rail? Or maybe stay in Gloucester for 1/2 the time and Leicester for 1/2 the time?
Any thoughts?
We'll probably go in the early Fall.

I would highly recommend Wells Cathedral.....the town of Wells is a short distance from Glastonbury, which is another great place to visit....
(24,760 posts)We've been all over England, numerous times.
(3,394 posts)Exeter Cathedral i Devonshire was pretty impressive as well
(12,269 posts)The Mrs and I celebrated our 25th by visiting cathedrals all across Europe. They were all alike, and all told the same story. They are no longer relevant was the story. The doorways were worn by centuries of foot traffic, but these days the only ones going into these great buildings are tourists and very old widows.
The only one worth remembering was the La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, and it was still under construction at that time.
If it matters to you, this was 20 years ago and yes, we are Christian by faith and practice.
(24,760 posts)Medieval cathedrals are some of the most awe-inspiring structures ever built. Forget your modern skyscrapers, these structures are the pinnacle of architecture. I can stand there and look at them for hours. I've done some paintings of them including York Minster and Lincoln Cathedral and just looking at the details on these magnificent buildings boggles the mind. Christianity certainly has a lot to answer for, but these incredible buildings are one thing the church can be proud of.
Okay, enough of my rambling. I have a degree in Medieval History so I may be a bit biased.
(12,269 posts)I'm an engineer by trade, the only thing I found interesting about all those similar looking buildings is the different ways that they are being held together. Most have giant iron cables or chains across the pillars to keep them from leaning outward any further.