Related: About this forumIf Ivanovic had absolutely clocked Suarez...
he would have been sent off. But could he have been suspended?
I mean biting someone is just common assault. if it happened on the street, I suspect the cops would have had more sympathy for the victim.
I hope the FA suspends Suarez heavily. Brilliant player. But he's a nutbag.

Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)A shame, really. I actually liked him, but he's got previous. I wonder where he'll wind up? Probably playing for that nutter Kadyrov, or in Quatar or something like that.
My cousin in Holland said Suarez actually spoke passable Dutch in interviews while there as a player. I do have a soft spot for someone who takes the time to learn the language of a country he's only passing through, but this really is the limit. Some short-circuiting in the brain, no doubt.
(2,560 posts)I live in Holland and speak Dutch. His Dutch wasn't bad.
I don't know of many players accused of biting opponents. There's Mike Tyson in boxing.
Of course, it could be worse (or better if you like that sort of stuff). There's John Hopoate, an Australian Rugby League player whose finger somehow found its way up opponents' bums.
Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)During a 2001 clash with the Cowboys, Hopoate, in an attempt to unsettle several of his opponents, inserted his finger in three players' anuses
Love the dry tone of that statement. I assumed it was three separate incidents and not a single incident in the middle of a scrum.


(488 posts)According to the BBC, they have fined him but will not remove him from the team or even consider a reduced role.
The FA has charged Suarez with "violent conduct" and will surely ban him for at least the rest of the season. Personally I would like to see the FA hand down a huge points reduction (like big enough to secure Wigan/Villa/etc's spot in the league next year, no matter how the rest of those teams' season play out), very large fines, and a lengthy ban from FA Cup competition for Liverpool FC. That the player would do something this multiple times speaks poorly enough about the player, and it seems like a no-brainer for the team to part ways with him. That the team is taking a "boys will be boys" sort of attitude about the event speaks so poorly not only to the team, but also the football association they play in.
Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)I had always heard that Fenway Sports Group were very media and publicity conscious, but this shows it's more about the filthy lucre. I suppose that's hardly a shock these days.
I wonder what the FA will do about it. I think the voting for player of the year has already concluded and there's a good chance he might have won it. That ought to be good for a laugh.
(488 posts)but if he ever plays again, it'll be too soon. LFC has to terminate his contract right away, the FA (and every other footballing association, too) need to give him the Pete Rose treatment, and Ivanovic needs to file assault charges.
Football has enough reputation issues, past and present, to deal with and really doesn't need this nutjob constantly creating new problems.
(2,560 posts)It's the least he deserves.
(488 posts)Maybe next time (you know there will be a next time) he'll seriously injure someone and get a 12 match ban. And then after that, it'll be a 14 match ban. Meanwhile Liverpool will continue on with their "it's tragic, but he's just such a good footballer and scores lots of goals" garbage.
FA is a joke and most of the English teams are second-rate bush league sides. Can't wait for the Germans showing the world, and especially the UK, how proper, sportsmanlike football is played next month.