Bowl names are an embarrassment to college football,0,1345313.story

Bowl names are an embarrassment to college football
By David Horsey
January 1, 2014, 6:00 a.m.
The proliferation of college football bowls with goofy corporate names must be making at least a few players and coaches cringe. Doesnt it feel like a dubious honor to be the winner of the Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl?
That is the distinction Kansas State can claim, having beaten Michigan 31 to 14. Does the victory come with a side of fries?
Then theres Detroits Little Caesars Pizza Bowl, where I imagine there must have been a few lukewarm pepperoni pies delivered to the locker rooms at halftime. St. Petersburg, Fla., hosted the Beef OBradys Bowl, named for a chain of sports bars and restaurants in the South. Beefy as that bowl name may be, it doesnt have the heft of the good old Cotton Bowl.
Atlantas claim to a slice of the fast food football sponsorships is the Chick-fil-A Bowl. Same-sex married couples may want to skip this one.